Mexican Bola chime necklace for pregnancy & beyond.

Mexican Bola Chime Necklace via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I love the look of the bola chime necklace as well – there is something so elegant in it’s simplicity!

Mexican Bola Chime Necklace via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The best thing about the Bola is that you can literally wear it with anything – fancy dinner dance? Just change the cord to a chain and voila!

I love love love my Mexican Bola chime necklace (I received it in my fabulous Almondella box which you can read all about here) and I think it is something that every pregnant woman should know about as not only in the kept awesome but they look so stylish too!

The Bola was first worn by women in Mexico from around 20 weeks of pregnancy, which is when we think babies start to develop a keen enough hearing that they would be able to hear the chime noise the bola makes. The idea is that as you move the baby learns to recognise the bola chime and feels comforted an soothed by it – which makes perfect sense as they often sleep while you are moving about so are at their most rested. After pregnancy, the bola can be used during nursing the help sooth baby but also keep them aware so they don’t fall asleep before they have had their fill – which helps promote a long, more restful sleep (and I’m allllll about restful and long sleeps!)

The bola sits really low on your belly so it is the perfect eye catching piece of jewellery for you to wear and comes with a leather thong, or you can team it with a gold or silver chain.

You can order a Bola necklace here.

Harriet x

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