Messiest Spots in a Family Home (And How to Keep Them Clean)

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It’s a fact of life that in family homes, some areas get messy very quickly. This is often the case for high-traffic areas, but it can also happen with quieter spots that might serve as dumping grounds for clutter.

So, with that in mind, let’s look at the messiest spots around the home and how to stay on top of them, especially if you don’t have cleaners Birmingham.

Messiest Spots in a Family Home

1. Kitchen

This is a fairly obvious one. Kitchens get used several times a day, and preparing food is a messy job. While it’s not clutter necessarily, dirty plates and pans and food debris build up and make the kitchen look messy within minutes.

Aside from washing up, the best thing you can do to keep your kitchen clean is to have designated areas. For example, have somewhere you can store washing up so it’s all in one place, and have a defined area that’s solely for eating. This allows you to localise mess, which should make it easier to clean.

2. Living Room

Similarly, living rooms are a mess hotspot, simply because they’re for living in! It’s common for kids to turn them into play areas during the day, which can impact your ability to relax in them at night.

Start by ensuring everything your kids play with has a home. Vertical storage is key here: buy stackable containers or baskets and only have as many toys as the boxes can hold. Also, aim to minimise the amount of clutter you have on shelves to make dusting and cleaning easier.

3. Coat and Shoe Racks

Having a space to store coats and shoes is great, but they get messy pretty quickly. Whether it’s shoes tracking dirt into the house or things simply not being put away properly, it doesn’t take long for a storage rack to look a complete state.

Again, the most useful tip is to ensure everything has a designated place. It might help to install a second coat and shoe rack that’s lower down for your kids, so they can manage their own stuff. Consider putting a washable mat under the shoe rack, as this makes it much easier to contain any dirt without getting the hoover out.

4. The Clutter Worktop/Table

Let’s be real, we’ve all got one of these. It’s a dumping ground for stuff that doesn’t have a home, or is on its way home. It might be a worktop in the kitchen or the dining table. Either way, these areas can get super messy if we don’t stay on top of them.

It would be wrong to suggest doing away with this space entirely. Instead, get yourself some desk letter trays or shallow boxes. Give each one a purpose, such as letters, things to be put away, etc., and make sure things get dumped in the right box. Then, when you can, sort through them.

5. Kid’s Bedrooms

Kid’s bedrooms are almost the epitome of messy spaces, and this only gets worse as they get older. At minimum, you’ll find toys and dirty washing. At worst, it’ll be dirty cups and plates.

The best way to stay on top of bedroom mess is to motivate them to be tidy from a young age. Have “putting away” time and reward them for a job well done. Make sure sheets are changed regularly and that their rooms are clean enough to be hoovered at the time you want.

6. Bathroom

Like kitchens, bathrooms can get both messy and dirty. This is an unfortunate reality considering they’re one of the most high-traffic rooms in the home. Keeping the bathroom clean is one thing, but keeping it free from mess is another thing entirely.

Provided you’ve got the space, make sure everyone has their own storage area. This could be a set of drawers, a cupboard each, or some other space to store their things. It’s important to make sure everyone has enough space and that they put their things away. This’ll help keep surfaces free from clutter, in turn making them easier to clean.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with mess around the home can take a lot of work. One of the best ways to keep on top of it is to ensure everything has a home and that family members take responsibility for their own mess. Provided you’re able to do this, while mess won’t disappear completely, it’ll at least be far more manageable.

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