Meal Plan :: Back to normality!

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Guess whose back, back again… me, that’s who. So I generally take the majority of the summer off and spend all my time with my sprogs because that is what Toby&Roo was set up for. With that said, you can still find us daily on instagram, but the blog takes somewhat of a back seat.


So the kids are back at school now and… guess what? I only have a bloody kitchen don’t I? Guys, I’m feral. Fully. Feral. If you’ve missed it (how?) then we have been renovating our house. We’ve extended the property and completely changed the ground floor layout, moving rooms and changing everything. It means we have been without a kitchen for an eye watering 6-7 weeks. So as I sit here, typing away on my kitchen breakfast bar (because we still have no living room or office – the decorators are in, and will be moving in here shortly) I am super excited to present you with the first meal plan that will go in le kitchen!

So what’s up this week?


Monday :: Mustard Beef with Mushrooms

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This from Slimming Eats sounds like a really lush twist on the classic mince beef dish. The mustard part sounds mild but warming.

Tuesday :: Hassleback chicken tray bake

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This looks lush and I honestly think, if I cut the tomatoes small enough I might be able to get Edith to eat it!

Wednesday :: Fish tacos

I just buy some breaded cod from the supermarket and serve it with tacos and peppers. Bosh. Done.

Thursday :: Steak Pie with mash

I will no doubt buy this, though there are some lovely steak pie recipes. It’s just quicker and easier!

Friday :: Take away!

Saturday :: Garlic Tuscan chicken with tagliatelle

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This sounds delish and will be the first pasta dish of the week. It’s here if you want to try it 🙂

Sunday :: Toad in the Hole

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Toby will be feral. It’s his fave. Top mum points on Sunday! If you don’t have a recipe, here is one.

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