Meal plan 9/3

Well last week was a whirlwind, and a prime example of when the meal plan all goes to shit by day 3! I think because I was working a lot last week, I didn’t realise that I would be leaving the house so early and getting home so late – anyway, I didn’t get up doing the meals that I planned, but here we go.

So last week’s meal plan went like this:

  • Monday :: Cowboy Pie – I was dreading this as I really don’t like beans with mash (I know, I know, weirdo, but I hate it) and actually, I quite enjoyed it. I wouldn’t rave about it, but it was nice enough and the kids tucked in so that was a plus!
  • Tuesday :: Chicken and Asparagus tray bake – this caused some major drama but it was LUSH. Reuben loved it, but Edith was hysterical over the evil green stick (asparagus) on her plate.
  • Wednesday :: Chilli con carne – I was away!
  • Thursday :: Honey chicken bake – I was also away!
  • Friday :: Take away – obvs. I was super busy over the last few days so we enjoyed it!
  • Saturday :: Lancashire Hotpot – I was actually given a lamb cushion, so I swapped the white lasagne we had planned for Sunday, with the lamb hotpot and we had the white lasagne on Saturday
  • Sunday :: White lasagne – as I said above, we had this on Saturday but the lamb cushion with all the trimmings that we had for dinner here was amazing (it was given to me on a filming shoot!)

So this week I’m aiming to be a bit more consistent!

Monday :: Beef Stroganoff

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Remember that I mentioned being given a lamb cushion to bring home after a filming session? Well I was also given some gorgeous beef strips that are perfect for a stroganoff, so I thought why not! This recipe can be found at Found Valerie’s Kitchen!

Tuesday :: Cottage Pie

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A firm fave in this house and one that we are all guaranteed to enjoy. I have added lentils in the past to bulk up a bit and I loved the flavour that it added, so I will do that this time BUT if you are looking for a recipe, this one from Savoury Nothings looks lush!

Wednesday :: Chicken Burrito bowl

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We really enjoyed burritos and enchiladas, so now it’s time to try burrito bowls! I love this recipe from Kitchn because it’s super simple and straight into the crockpot!

Thursday :: Swedish meatballs and mash

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We tried this recipe around a billion years ago, when we last had a Gousto subscription and I can honestly say that I’m so excited to try it again but doing it myself. Here is the recipe, you can order it yourself if you want to get it bang on!

Friday :: Friday night movie niiiiightttt!

Saturday :: Reuben’s birthday meal out!

Sunday :: Chicken Enchiladas

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A firm favourite in our house, as I’ve discussed many times – even Edith wants to smash her way through this one! If you want to try this recipe its from Bunny’s Warm Oven.

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