Well it’s been a funny old week hasn’t it? I’ll be completely honest I’ve been so up and down and totally unsure whether I should bother doing this meal plan or not – I mean, it’s not like the delivery services are sending everything that we’re ordering or we can just pop to the shops whenever we want, is it? Regardless though, I think it’s probably a good idea to have some vague idea of what I’m going to cook…
Let’s have a look at last week:
- Monday :: Cowboy pie – went down a treat and we had an abundance of homemade bread to go with it which was mostly nice ha!
- Tuesday :: Mongolian Chicken – it was actually delish, and I managed to grab some noodles at the supermarket the day before so WIN.
- Wednesday :: Chicken Terrazini – Lovely, simple and really filling. We had loads left over and more or less everyone had seconds!
- Thursday :: Calzone – doubled as an acitivity for the kids to do in the afternoon so I was chuffed to bits!
- Friday :: Takeaway – I’m going to level with you, we didn’t have one. In the current climate I want to support local and have multiple takeaways, but it’s just an expense we don’t need.
- Saturday :: Moroccan chicken and cous cous – went as well as expected. Lots of moaning but at least the cous cous has been used.
- Sunday :: Chilli con carne – Yummers. Enough left over for quesadillas on monday too.
So, that was last week, we stuck to it because we didn’t really have much of an option with most shops closed!
Monday :: Chicken Coq au Vin
This looks so good, it’s simple and since I couldn’t get any chicken breast on the food order, I thought this was perfect with chicken thigh! We also have carrots and I plan to serve this with some yummy hassleback potatoes. Maybe roasts or boiled depending on how much the kids have stressed me out. Recipe from The Kitchn.
Tuesday :: Mexican Beans on toast
This is so simple. Can of beans, a teaspoon of cumin, teaspoon of coriander, pinch of paprika. Serve of toast as you would normal beans and top with some sour cream (or plain greek yogurt as a substitute) and cheese. It’s an easy twist on an everyday meal.
Wednesday :: Sausage Bake with potaotes and Gravy
This looks really simple and we have some sausages in the freezer! It’s a winner I think because it’s filled with things they will love. The recipe is from Recipe tin eats which is a fave blog of mine for meals.
Thursday :: Mince beef hotpot
This looks really yummy and should be really easy to do – it’s basically a hotpot just with minced beef instead. Fortunately the mixed frozen stew veg was still available for the shop but if you can’t get it then just mince and carrot is fine. Recipe is from Fab food for all.
Friday :: Takeaway
Maybe we can manage one this week!
Saturday :: Thai Chicken curry
Something a little different. On friday we might have a go at making some naan as our activity. This recipe is from Hot Thai kitchen.
Sunday :: Mac n Cheese
This recipe from Neighbourhood blog looks lovely. I’m literally going to make myself a simple cheese sauce and add pasta because I need something simple.
Hello! I’m not normally one to leave comments on blogs but I just want to thank you for your meal planners – I use them every week to plan our meals and get lots of good ideas here. Please don’t stop doing them during the lockdown! I don’t know what I’d do!