Meal Plan 24/08

This week has been so up and down – it’s one of those weeks where we have had amazing days out, and then days where we haven’t been able to get out with the kids at all and I’ve felt like the worst mum because they have just spent the day staring at screens. Such a mixed bag. Food wise it’s been a mixed bag too, we’ve had friends come over when as a last minute treat and we’ve had some delicious meals together as a family.

Let’s recap last week:

  • Monday :: Hawaiian chicken – this was really nice! Everyone seemed to enjoy it so hopefully that is one to bank as a winner!
  • Tuesday :: Cottage pie – ended up making some bolognese for the kids because Adam and I were busy bees!
  • Wednesday :: Creamy chicken alfredo – we did eat this and it was laaaavly!
  • Thursday :: Shakshuka – we had a last minute visit with friends so the bolognese I made on tuesday became dinner for all the kids and I made Adam a fish finger sandwich later on!
  • Friday :: Takeaway – always a treat
  • Saturday :: Chicken fajita pasta – we actually had a last minute change of plans and one of Toby’s friends stayed for dinner, so I just cooked up some pizzas.
  • Sunday :: Mexican beef tacos – honestly amazing, I loved it.

So what about this week?

Well we actually have a child free week this week – yes, I know. A part of me is a bit anxious about missing the kids, this will be the longest that they have been away from us before I think, but they are going to have so much fun with their grandparents! So what does that mean for me and Adam? Not much really. We had thought about taking a very last minute trip abroad, just a few days of beautiful sunshine and an infinity pool, but it’s just not meant to be – can you imagine if we got stuck out in a foreign country, or if we had to isolate completely for the last two weeks of the summer term. It would be horrible.

I’ve been thinking and I think that we will have a few nights of treating ourselves this week, dinners out or possibly even lunches out and just something crazy simple when we get home.

I do know that these meals will factor in at some point:


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I’ve never tried this particular recipe before, but nachos was always such a go-to for me and Adam. We would feed the kids, maybe have a little bit with them, and then curl up on the sofa together for some nachos and a movie. It’s been a loooong time since we did it, so we’ve planned a nachos night this week. This recipe is from Don’t go bacon my heart.

Chicken coconut curry with sweet potato

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This sounds lush and it will be a nice curry night for the pair of us! Recipe is from Half baked harvest.


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Now I will probably have a chicken breast instead of steak, but I found this website that shares 12 steak dinners to indulge in, and I think I will use up the steak in the freezer to make Adam a treat.

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