Meal Plan 21/10

Well the weather took a turn didn’t it? Suddenly it is freezing and nothing but warming meals and big jumpers is going to help. Last week was a bit of a mixed bag I think – mainly because I had a last minute job come through that saw us heading off to Windsor for a chunk of the weekend and to London on Thursday (our anniversary too!), so it wasn’t really possible to cook all the meals I planned.

So how did we do?

  • Monday :: Chicken tangine – now I remember why I don’t cook cous cous guys. The kids HATED it. Loved the tangine, had a fit about the cous cous. It wasn’t fun. I would do the tangine again with rice, but try to avoid the cous cous for another 7 years.
  • Tuesday :: Green Thai Curry – apart from the odd “argh it’s spicy” from Toby, who has the ability to handle spice of a small infant, they loved this.
  • Wednesday :: Chilli con carne – Edith declared she loved it but not the kiddy beans. It went down really well and I inadvertently made a HUGE batch, so I instructed Adam to use it for Thursday.
  • Thursday :: Toad in the hole – I can’t cook it if I’m not there and alas, I was in London. I left instructions to use up the chilli con carne with tacos if they wanted something different to rice.
  • Friday :: Take away – we were away. The trauma was deep.
  • Saturday :: Breaded fish – also away.
  • Sunday :: Mac n Cheese – nailed it. Kids loved it (obvs) and so did everyone else.

Well then, as you can see, a bit hit and miss, but mostly ok.

So what about this week?

Monday :: Toad in the Hole

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If it didn’t get eaten last week, then it might as well get eaten this week.

Tuesday :: Stuffing Crust Turkey PotPie

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Now, I think we can all agree (or most of us anyway) Turkey is a bit… well, shit. Yeah it is. It’s never as nice as chicken, we all think it at Christmas but we want to be fancy and if there is one thing the humble chicken is not, it’s fancy. So ok, I’m going to level with you – I’m dead excited to try this, but with chicken because turkey is a no. This recipe is from Taste of Home.

Wednesday :: Easy Healthy roasted veg soup

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I can hear my kids now. “I don’t like souppppp” – it doesn’t matter what it is, they declare they hate it. I refuse to accept this and every so often I curve ball and lob in a soup recipe. The last time I did this it was a chicken soup and they were chowing away, loving it until… dun dun dunnnnnnn Toby realised it was soup. From then on I had to feed it to him. But here I am. Trying again. This is also on the menu because soup is crazy easy to make and leave, and we have an after school club on a Wednesday, so it makes sense. This absolute belter of a recipe is from The Busy Baker.

Thursday :: Stuffed ricotta shells

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Honestly, I’m seeing this every where at the moment and I’m getting fomo that I should have at least tried it. I’m not going to make the pasta like this recipe from Salted Mint calls for but I am super excited to try it.

Friday :: Away

Saturday :: Home late

Sunday :: Chicken Coconut curry

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I kind of love the idea of having a bit of a banquet on Sunday, so I will make this curry and a tonne of rice, grab some indian sides and naans from the shop and serve up. This one is from Chelsea’s Messy Apron.

So there we have it!

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