Meal Plan 2/3

Happy March everyone – I think this officially means it’s spring doesn’t it? In a fashion anyway.

I did think about whether or not Spring would mean that we would start eating less heavy food in favour of something lighter and a bit less warming but, um, it’s snowed twice in the last week so I’m going to go with no. It’s chilly, bring me warming food.

So, about last week:

  • Monday :: Out – we actually went to Creepy Crawlies in York and I’ve made a decision to do it more often because it was awesome for the kids after school, perhaps a mid week treat? Also, highly recommend the food – especially the pizza
  • Tuesday :: Lasagne – went down a treat and I followed it up with pancakes for pudding
  • Wednesday :: Chicken Curry – I actually timed how long it took me to chop the veg and put this in the pressure cooker – 4 mins. I can’t recommend this recipe enough for those “shit I need food now” meals.
  • Thursday :: Cowboy pie – totally forgot that I was away in London working, so I have no clue what the kids ate but it wouldn’t be cowboy pie.
  • Friday :: Takeaway – WELL. I forgot about the devil’s work that was a POOL PARTY. Trauma deserves a takeaway yes? Well no. Not when said party runs until 7pm and the kids are shattered beyond all reason.
  • Saturday :: Teriyaki chicken stir fry – I loved it, we did have a bit of moaning about a few of the stir fried veggies, even though I chopped them mega small.
  • Sunday :: Steak Pie – who moans about pie? Lots of veggies and a mad dash to the shop for gravy post football.

I mean, it was a bit of a mixed bag wasn’t it? But that’s ok! That’s life right?

Anyway, onwards and upwards to this week.

Monday :: Cowboy Pie

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Sorry to just straight recycle from last week, but here we are. I really wanted the kids to try this and I have an absolute tonne of beans in the cupboard, along with more potatoes than you can shake a peeler at, so I thought it was a good plan! The recipe is here from Mrs Rachel Brady.

Tuesday :: Sheet pan Chicken & Asparagus

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This is a curve ball – I’m not actually sure if the kids like asparagus or not, I can guarentee Edith is refuse it and say she hates it but the boys might like it. I will make sure I do lots of potato and chicken so that asparagus is a “try it” but not the main part of the meal. The delish looking recipe is from Girl on the Bloor.

Wednesday :: Honey Mustard Pressure Cooker Chicken

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This looks so yummy, and it will be perfect for the madness of after school club – it’s done in 20mins! You can find the recipe here from Happy Foods Tube.

Thursday :: Chilli Con Carne

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I am away again at an event in London so I figured this would be ideal, I can make it the night before and then leave everything ready… now look, I know I say this often and rarely stick to it, but I will this time. I will! I’m an organised queen… maybe. This recipe from Something sweet, something savoury looks lush.

Friday :: Takeaway

Nothing is standing in the way of it this week. NOTHING.

Saturday :: Lancashire hotpot

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From one of my all time faves, Kitchen Sanctuary. I could live on Nicky’s recipes. I haven’t tried a Lancashire hotpot in years, so I thought I would give it a go. Serve it up with some veg and crusty bread. YUM.

Sunday :: Alfredo white chicken lasagne

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Another one I have never tried and something I’ve always wanted to. I love a good lasagne and my family polish it off like it’s the best thing in the wold, so I’m hoping this will be just as popular. Recipe is from Carl’s Bad Cravings.

I know normally I have a lot more vegetarian recipes on the meal planner and this last couple of weeks have been pretty meat heavy, so next week I’m going to make more of an effort to have some veggie options in there, even if it’s only mac n cheese.

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