If you’re fairly new to these meal plans then you might not know the DELIGHT that is my weekly round up of the week before where I tell you what we thought of the recipes and whether or not we stuck to the plan. It’s possibly one of my least favourite things to write because I inevitably look back on the week and realise that I am the world’s shittest meal planner. I seldom make it a week sticking to it all and I never get the kids to eat everything, even when they are ravenous. If you don’t want to read over last week and you just want me to pony up the goods then feel free to scroll past my shameless displays of ineptitude.
So, how was last week’s meal plan in reality:
- Monday – Mustard Beef with mushrooms :: Sigh. It looked amazing, but I pulled the mince out of the freezer and decided that it looked a bit… grim, so rather than risk food poisoning, I opted to ditch the whole idea and the kids had bagels. Welcome back to school bitches.
- Tuesday :: Hassleback chicken tray bake – ladies and gents this was lush, even if I forgot to get cheese. It was really yummy, everyone ate it, although everyone had a good moan about the mange tout and fried potatoes I served it with. Edith ate a carrot like it had been laced in anthrax.
- Wednesday – Fish Tacos – Always a fave. I used Young’s breaded fish but frankly you could use anything, I just really love their fish. I added sliced and stir fried peppers and onions, which of course Edith picked out.
- Thursday – Steak pie and mash – Classic, simple and an easy please. I did add some carrots and peas. FYI I can make pie really well, but for the effort, I just buy shop bought ones unless I’m feeling fancy. Or stressed. I like to cook when I’m stressed.
- Friday – Take away
- Saturday – Garlic Tuscan Chicken with Tagliatelle – I always find Saturday the hardest day to stick to as we go out with the kids and then I come home and need something sorting within 30 seconds or we’ve already eaten. This was very quick and for once I remembered to take the chicken out of the freezer!
- Sunday – Toad in the Hole – Always Toby’s fave and another one that I have a tendency to put on a weekend, when I know that I will probably run out of time.
So, enough of last week, what about this week? WELL.
Saw this on Sarah’s instagram and it looked so easy, not to menion bloody lush. The kids are fairly good with curry so we said we would give it a go – I will serve it with rice and naan, 99% chance I will use microwave rice, despite having a ricer. Recipe from Taming Twins here.
Tuesday :: Tomato Risotto balls
Adam loves arrancini, and the kids all like rice so I’m hoping these from the very talented Emily over at A Mummy Too are a winner. I’m not going to use smoked cheese because we aren’t really big smoked cheese fans (I used to love it but went completely off it when I was pregnant and I’ve never been a fan since.)
Wednesday :: Creamy Noodle Soup
My kids hate soup. I’m not sure why, but they NEVER want to eat it and I love it. I’ve gone for this one from Sally’s Baking Obsession because it looks really thick and filling, with chunks so hopefully they will indulge me.
Thursday :: Chickpea curry
I try really hard to not do too many curry dishes or similar in one week – personally I would have them every day of the week but I live with ungrateful humans who don’t particularly want to explore culinary delights. Enter chickpea curry from Hurry the Food Up. I know, I know. I have about as much chance of the whole family eating this without complaint as I do of becoming a 6’1ft, size 6 supermodel BUT I’m going to try it anyway, if only to rid the pantry of the bloody tin of chickpeas that has been loitering there since 1992. Also, I know I could just make hummus but shh. I like a challenge and I think this looks bloody delicious, so it is fitting in as my “meatless meal” for the week.
Friday :: Take away
Saturday :: Chicken Parm-Stuffed Bell Peppers
I love the look of these, the video is here – I don’t have an image to show you BUT know that this has been saved on my IG for over a year. Determination to do it one day or a forgetfulness like no other?
Sunday :: Lasagne
So classic its a mindless job, which is what we all want on a Sunday. I could do a roast but I think I will save it for when I have a dining room table again. If you fancy trying a lasagne recipe that is different to your usual, then you can give this one a go – it’s got a few little tweaks to the norm, without changing your fave too much.
Few different options in their and a few classics that I know everyone will love – maybe, unless they have decided that they don’t, which with kids is always a distinct possibility.