Meal Plan 15/06

Howdy! Last week was another long, intense week in the lockdown/not-really-lockdown-anymore saga wasn’t it? The weather couldn’t make up it’s mind, the kids resented being back to doing school work almost as much as I did and I felt like I didn’t really have much oomph for anthing!

June is always a bit of a manic month for us, we have Adam’s birthday, and both his parent’s birthdays, so it’s just go go go with very little chance to stop.

Let’s have a look at the foodie side of things last week:

  • Monday :: Lentil Chilli – I thought this was lush! It was a really yummy version.
  • Tuesday :: Chickpea & Spinach curry – another one that was just delish and super simple to make.
  • Wednesday :: Adam’s birthday – we had a cheeky takeaway and guess what? Our fave takeaway is open again! YASS!
  • Thursday :: Stuffed chicken – it was really yummy, very simple and tasty.
  • Friday :: Shakshuka – I ended up ordering another takeaway from our re-opened fave. Roo came downstairs and spotted what we were eating on Wednesday and made us promise that we would get him some bon-bon-gai (sesame strip) chicken for his movie night!
  • Saturday :: Chicken casserole – actually ended up turning it into a pie, I was howling at myself because I was grumbling about having to make pastry and I actually didn’t need to. It was really tasty.
  • Sunday :: Cottage Pie – added some cheeky lentils.

So what are we up to this week?

Monday :: Beans on Toast

Yep, I can’t really be arsed with anything else. I will probably throw some cheese on. Fancy.

Tuesday :: Spag Bol

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Always a firm favourite and a great opportunity to hide a tonne of veggies! This 30 min recipe is from Kitchen Sanctuary.

Wednesday :: Tomato & Spinach sausage pasta

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This actually looks really delicious and I think I will get Edith on side with the pasta element – she’s undoubtedly going to pick out the tomatoes and spinach and I will have to plead with her to knock it off. Recipe is from Eat Well 101.

Thursday :: Chicken with Garlic and Parmesan rice

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This is another one that sounds great – though I’ve decided to use chicken stock instead of the wine because I knew we would end up wasting 2/3 a bottle of wine and that is just not cool. Recipe is from Whats in the Pan.

Friday :: Homemade pizza

Saturday :: Marinaded chicken with crunchy lemon potatoes

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The potatoes are from a meal planner a couple of weeks ago that were absolutely lush and I found this great blog post for marinades by Andi Anne so I figured I would have a go at the Hawaiian marinade as we had to fiddle about with the pineapple recipe last week.

Sunday :: Chicken curry

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This is a recipe you will see frequently on this blog as it’s one of our favourites. I’ve adapted it over time to add bits and bobs but I adore it. Recipe is from Taming Twins.

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