Meal Plan 11/04

Ohhh hello to the sunshine again – it appears that the weather got the memo that everyone just wants to be able to enjoy their daily walk without the rain and the chilly wind. We had a real up and down week homeschooling, the kids really didn’t want to do the things I planned and honestly I spent most of my time exhausted and wishing I was on a remote island somewhere.

Anyway, last week went mostly really well, and I have discovered a couple of really easy recipes that are going to go in my “can’t be arsed but need something quickly” arsenal because they were lush.

So a recap of last week, which you can find here:

  • Monday :: Spag Bol – It’s always a fave, I mean is it ever not going to be?
  • Tuesday :: Sausage one pot pasta – actually ended up eating this another night because I had a food collaboration and spent two hours creating an absolutely belting recipe.
  • Wednesday :: Masoor Dahl – honestly just delicious. Adam was sceptical because he’s not usually a lentil fan but agreed that was really yummy. The children weren’t too keen, Edith decided after a temper tantrum that it actually wasn’t that bad after all. Regardless, I would recommend making it, perhaps as a side dish if you are a meat eating fam.
  • Thursday :: Chateaubriand – only went and forgot to take the bloody thing out of the freezer didn’t I? So we ended up having the sausage pasta on this night and it was delish, not to mention really easy.
  • Friday :: Fajita Friday – I have reached the point where I would just absolutely love for the bloody takeaway to re-open. I’m done now thanks. I didn’t have enough peppers for fajitas and it’s not an essential to nip to the shop for a couple of bits, so I turned it into a burrito bowl with one pepper and it was DELISH.
  • Saturday :: Fish Finger lasagne – Ok look, I FULLY anticipated that this would be horrible but actually it wasn’t at all. It was like a variation on fish pie but without the over-fishiness (I’m not a fish pie fan). It was nice, a little unusual but it actually worked! I think it needs a lot more cheese.
  • Sunday :: Chicken meatballs piccanta – really delicious. We all loved it!

So looking forward to this week, well I feel like it’s going to be necessary to do something that is completely random again like the fish finger lasagne as it was such a success.

Monday :: Orange Chicken Meatballs

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Yes, I know, one meatball recipe directly after another, probably not my best idea but hey, the last one was so popular and tasty. This one from Life Made Simple has a real Asian vibe, so I’m going to serve it with noodles for a change from the rice.

Tuesday :: Pork Marsala

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I rarely pick up pork tenderloin but there was some just sat in the reduced section waiting for my freezer to call it’s home. I think marsala (something I always used to think was indian because of tikka masala) is delicious and it’s actually not that hard to make, so I’m going in with a simple pork tenderloin marsala. Recipe is by Self Proclaimed foodie and I will serve with linguine.

Wednesday :: Marinaded chicken with greek lemon roasted potatoes

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So I have some really lush marinaded chicken in the freezer as well as some really tasty steaks, this week I’m going to BBQ them and use these greek lemon roasted potatoes as a yummy side. I think I might grab myself some coleslaw as well – which I could make but let’s hear it for lazy mums everywhere who are buying it because they are sick to the back teeth or fucking cooking everythinggggggggg. This is from Sprinkles and Sprouts.

Thursday :: Chateaubriand

Someone DM me on instagram to remind me to take the damn thing out of the freezer will you please? Cheers.

Friday :: Chilli con carne

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I was planning on doing a mexican takeaway but the truth is we never really enjoy it that much and I always think it’s better when we eat at the restaurant, so I’m keeping it simple and making a chilli con carne. My fave recipe is my own, but this one from Kitchen Sanctuary is lovely.

Saturday :: Persian chicken curry

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This looks and sounds amazing – if I’m honest I think we will skip the pomegranate but we will include the nuts. It’s from Kitchen Sanctuary again!

Sunday :: Steak pie

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This looks amazing and with the weather taking a turn and being a lot cooler this week (supposedly) I think this will be a winner. Recipe is from Slow Cooker Club.

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar May 11, 2020 / 1:51 pm

    Thanks for including me Harriet 😊 that marsala looks fab too!!

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