Meal plan 10/02

Well hello again! You know what this week is don’t you? It’s Valentine’s day of course! Does anyone care that much? Probably not, in fact I don’t think it’s actually going to make any difference to the meal plan at all because we will be having a take away on the Friday anyway, less I suffer the moaning of the rest of my family.

I did briefly consider making the whole week Valentine’s themed but the chances of the kids eating an asparagus spear wrapped in ham is not high, so I thought I would just make like Elsa and let it go.

So what happened last week:

  • Monday :: Vegetarian Chilli sin Carne – I actually loved this, and so did every one (excluding my mum who likes to moan about anything vegetarian and Edith who likes to moan).
  • Tuesday :: Teryaki chicken with Pinapple rice – I’ll be completely honest, I looked at this and thought hmm, this looks bland and a bit meh, no one is going to like it but almost everyone did. Reuben wasn’t keen on the chicken and Toby wasn’t keen on the pineapple in the rice but loved everything else. Edith loved the chicken and hated the bits in the rice.
  • Wednesday :: Chicken Enchiladas – everyone, including mum and Edith declared them to be the best meal ever.
  • Thursday :: Greek cod – guys, I did something. I bought skin on fish by mistake and I am TERRIFIED of fish, so I just can’t cook with the skin on. It’s gross… we had chicken wraps instead.
  • Friday :: Not our takeaway night as I had friends over.
  • Saturday :: Pizza – swapped it for the takeaway and movie night.
  • Sunday :: Beans on Toast – always a winner.

So that’s how last week went, a bit of a muddled week but we got there in the end and there were some recipes that I know for sure I will cook again and again.

This week:

Monday :: Chicken Florentine pressure cooker pasta

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Ooh this looks lush doesn’t it? Now I can see this being a big hit with Edith (once I’ve picked off the “leaves” (spinach)) The recipe is by Jay Sweet n Sour life and you can find it here.

Tuesday :: Jackfruit Burritos

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Ok. I’ve been wanting to try jackfruit for a time, and I have seen a really positive response from all three children lately with Mexican or Mexican inspired recipes (hell, enchiladas of yester week)… my issue with this dish is that it is EXPENSIVE to make, even when I have cheated by buying some of the items and not making them (microwave rice for the win). A bit like the Gumbo I made in this week’s meal plan – it’s a gamble. If we all hate it, I reckon this dish will have cost me a sold £7-9 to make, which is a lot when I can make other meals for under £4. Blame the jackfruit. This recipe is from Discover Delicious and if we could just take a moment to gaup at the photography skills, that would be amazing.

Wednesday :: Away for work

Thursday :: Gnocchi in Pomodoro sauce

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The last time I did gnocchi, Edith really loved it – and it’s literally a 10-15min job with this sauce, less if you are just grating cheese over with a dash of butter and seasoning. It’s so easy, perfect fro me coming home a bit later on in the day and just needing to get on. Recipe is from Foodie Crush! Also, just a little tip – buy mozzarella in a bigger ball and cut it up – it’s cheaper.

Friday :: Takeaway

Saturday :: Fish cakes with wedges

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I’m fully going to cheap and buy fishcakes – I like Youngs fishcakes the best, but just in case you like to make them, I think this recipe from Create Make Bake looks amazing.

Sunday :: Chicken, mushroom and bacon pie with veg

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I love a good pie – who doesn’t? This I’m going to serve with a tonne of Sunday roast style veggies and enjoy a nice hearty family dinner. From one of my favourite food blogs – Kitchen Sanctuary.

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  1. Avatar
    February 10, 2020 / 8:59 am

    What does gnocchi taste like? Never tried it.

    • Harriet February 10, 2020 / 10:02 am

      I actually think it’s really bland, it’s potato based. I think it’s the perfect food to have with a punchy sauce.

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