Return of the meal plan (to be sung to the tune of Return of the Mack for sure) – that’s right, it’s Monday morning which means I’m sending another meal plan into the ether. Mainly so I can keep myself vaguely on track over the week, and also to bully myself into actually using the food I buy. I would love to say that meal planning has cut my budget by the way, but I spent just under £100 for the week last night and frankly, I always thought I spent less than that before… perhaps I was kidding myself. As my kids are getting older, especially the boys, I’m finding that I am spending a fortune on snacks and inbetween meal things. I did muse last night about whether or not I could send them a bill when they are older.
Anyway, about last week:
- Monday :: Chicken Enchiladas – they were delish and everyone BUT Edith loved them. E’s reason for casting them out like they were laced with anthrax? She doesn’t like black beans. Or any beans.
- Tuesday :: Cottage pie – I got my days mixed up and I was in London on Wed/Thurs so I moved Thursday’s meal to here. I didn’t like my attempt at cottage pie at all this time, I accidentally added wayyyyy more herbs than usual. It was a firm fave with everyone else though.
- Wed/Thurs :: Away
- Friday :: Take away (always the best day)
- Saturday :: Ethiopian chicken stew – good lord I actually made this. It was absolutely delicious, Edith and Reuben didn’t like it that much, Reuben liked the egg, but nothing else – yet it really was lush.
- Sunday – Guiness beef stew – I wasn’t really a fan and the kids took around 19038 years to eat it. But we managed to smash back a whole cobb of bread between 6 which was impressive.
Right then, onto this week:
Monday :: Best Chicken Parmesan
Now, I don’t want to jinx it but this looks GOOD. I’m fairly confident 80:20 that this will be a hit but you never know as one of the kids could just decide something radical like they don’t like chicken today. Find the recipe here from Cooking Classy.
Tuesday :: Epic Beef and Mushroom pie
There are some bold claims going on with this week’s meal plan. The best chicken, epic pie… I’m aiming for smiles all round really. Anyway, this beauty from Recipe Tin Eats looks lovely and is just what we need on a cold and gloomy week.
Wednesday :: Vegetarian Lasagne
Every week, Adam comes to me and he’s like “so… that’s on the meal plan?” because he has read the blog. I mean, I love his dedication to reading the odd blog post I waffle off, but I can hear his cringe as he tells himself I’ve bastardised his favourite meal. Darling, veggies won’t hurt you. This from Inspired Taste looks yummy…
Thursday :: Fish fingers and stuffed peppers
One from my very own blog – I put this on meal plans fairly often and if you haven’t tried it before I would love to know what you think. It is Toby’s fave!
Friday :: Movie & Takeaway nights
Saturday :: Quesadilla
Another one from Cooking Classy this week – though perhaps I will just do my own thing. The wonderful part of a quesadilla is that it’s so easy to just throw whatever you want to in there. If your child loves ham and cheese? Go for that!
Sunday :: Sunday Roast.
I’m hoping that by the end of the week, we will have a table (I’m being ridiculously optimistic, and I’m quietly confident that it won’t happen BUT I’M HOPING). In which case I would like to have a big ole Sunday Roast. I looked for veggie versions because I feel like this week we have been meat heavy (I always try to include one veggie meal a week, but normally I have more than one) but I couldn’t find anything I thought the kids would eat that I could make with minimal effort.
So that’s it – that’s what we shall dine upon this week good people of the tinterweb. Ok, I’ll go. xx
Righto. Adding quesadillas and the beef pie to my weeks meal plan. Can’t promise that it would come to fruition but I did invest in a nifty little instant pot so hoping it makes cooking a breeze (I’m a gadget girl, you can sell me setting with two functions and one can not work and I will be at you screaming: TAKE MY MONEY! ) thanks for the idea inspo! Love your blog x
Thank you so much! Honestly, it makes life SO much easier to have that instant pot. I’m forever grateful to my mum for getting one for us, it’s AMAZING. x
Do the kids like stuffing?
I’m veggie but no one else in the family is & if I’m cooking the Sunday roast I make stuffing in a loaf tin, slice it and it replaces the meat
Honestly, sometimes. It really depends on their mood – Reuben and Toby used to claim they loved it but last time only Toby would eat it. Edith hasn’t ever. I did think about a making and pie similar to what we had from Ieland for our Christmas veggie option, but it’s just a hell of a lot of effort when I can bang a roast into an oven and they would prefer it. Sigh. I’m determined to try one day though.