Meal Plan 06/07

It’s the first time in a while I have been able to say this but: I have been off my food. I know, shocking stuff. I don’t really have much of an appetite and when I do eat, I feel queasy. I’ll tell you who has suddenly started to eat like his little legs are hollow and there is never going to be a meal in place again: TOBY.

The boy is 7 and packing away the same as Roo who is 9 and wayyyyy bigger than him. It’s like we never fill him up but he’s tiny still. It’s safe to say he has eaten my portions of food this week with his brother, even Edie seem to have done well this week, bar a few complaints at the heinous green stuff that she shuns.

So last week:

  • Monday :: 15 min stir fry – AMAZING. So yummy, we all really enjoyed it. Edith was very anti the veg. This shocks no one.
  • Tuesday :: Kung Pao Mince – I did this on Friday and had to use normal chicken because I’m a disorganised twat that forgot the turkey mince was for this and not spag bol. Everyone loved it though!
  • Wednesday :: Spag bol/Beef ragu – kids devoured it, I used the turkey mince instead of the beef because, well, see above.
  • Thursday :: Lemon Basil Orzo – this is what we had on the Tuesday and it was lovely. I couldn’t get any orzo so we had gigli as a substitute and it was a really nice pasta!
  • Friday :: Takeaway – actually ended up saving the pennies and having breakfast for dinner here!
  • Saturday :: Burgers – had these on Thursday because Adam and Toby were watching Hull City play football! Burgers and a boys evening for the win!
  • Sunday :: Fajitas – I ordered some fajita stuff and we were all just in the mood for it so I ran with it! Really yummy as always!

So what is on the menu this week?

Monday :: Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings

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Will it be too hot for this? Who knows! One minute it’s blistering heat and the next its horrendously chilly and raining like we’re in Florida during a storm. Anyway, Reuben had dumplings at my in laws a while back and LOVED them, so I’m going to make them for him. This recipe is from Delish.

Tuesday :: One pot lentil & Mushroom bolognese

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I will probably add beef to this and make a double portion for the lunch the next day and I *think* we will be having some fancy pasta with it too! Yum! This recipe is from Simple Sweet Vegan.

Wednesday :: Honey Garlic Chicken

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Now you will probably know that I adore Sarah’s website Taming Twins – it’s one of the places I count as my go to for meals. Her chicken curry is my absolute fave and has inspired a totally new recipe of my own that I make frequently. This is one of her latest offerings and when I saw it on her insta I knew it was going on the list.

Thursday :: White chicken chilli

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I keep seeing these white chicken chill recipes and I think they look really yummy and different, so I’m going to try it out! I’ll probably cut back a touch on the chillies! I’ve ordered some tortilla chips and subbed the great northern beans for the cannellini beans, because Tesco just couldn’t work out what the hell they are, or navy beans and frankly, neither could I. This recipe is from ifoodreal.

Friday :: Pizza night!

Saturday :: Mashed potato casserole with crispy chicken

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Right, I saw this a few weeks ago and was like no, no, I can’t cook that. No one will like it and it won’t be very good for anyone… but here I am, knowing full well that they will all love it and I’ll probably serve it with lashings of gravy and bread, not an extra veggie in sight. Recipe is from The Cozy Cook.

Sunday :: Broccoli mac n cheese with bacon

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I might omit the broccoli and just do a bacon and cheese mac n cheese, it’s a veg that Adam really doesn’t like at all so I do try to avoid it at times, or at least do it so he isn’t being forced to eat ‘gross green trees’! Recipe looks amazing as is and is from Foodness Gracious.

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