We had a great time doing these Easter bunny handprints and they make such cute easter cards or gifts!
Every year we give my In laws an easter gift or card from the boys – it is never anything impressive or bought, but just homemade and from the heart but this year we never got around to doing it. I thought about how cute these little cards were that we made a year or so ago and it occurred to be that they aren’t just for Easter, these little cards could be an ideal craft for spring, no matter when.
I love to do is use handprints and footprints to make little gifts and cards, after all those little feet will grow so quickly and I will miss them so very much, I want to have lots of things to remember just how tiny they were. How cute are these little bunny handprints and footprint chicks?
To make a little card you need –
- White and pink paint for a bunny
- Yellow and orange paint for a chick
- A4 sheet of Coloured card – think spring!
- Goggly eyes
- Black felt tip
- Glue stick
Take your card and fold it in half – this will give you a line so you won’t have half of your bunny or chick on the wrong side! Place the folded card on the floor and get your little one to put their hand (bunny) or foot (chick) in the appropriate paint (white for a bunny or yellow for a chick) or if you want to minimise the mess you can paint your child’s hand or foot and then get them to stand or push their hand onto the card. Wipe off their hands and feet and use the contrasting paint (pink for a bunny or orange for a chick) to add inner ears to the bunny and wings to the chick.
Paint the little finger and index fingers leaving the middle and ring blank – these will make the ears. For older kids you could paint the all fingers and separate them to form a ‘v’.
Paint the inner ears and noses – older kids can do this, or you could do this using a finger print for each inner ear and a thumb print for a nose!
Once we get round to this time of year the sun is beginning to shine and the weather is drying up, so I will usually do any painting outside in our painting clothes (I don’t use bibs – we have designated painting clothes, easier to pop in the washing machine and a good way to ensure that nice clothes don’t get spoiled if the bib is ripped or pulled) so mess is no problem for me and the kids will usually have a play while we leave the paintings or crafts to dry in the sunshine and fresh air.
Once the paintings are dry add the definition to the animals with a black felt tip pen – I have to say I do this part myself, if I give the felt tip to the boys they will just draw over the picture and doodle, and although there is nothing wrong with that, I want the picture to look like something! Let the kids stick the goggly eyes on – 1 for the chick, 2 for the bunny – leave to set and then fill in with whatever message you want!
This is so easy to do, have a go at making a hand print bunny!
Harriet x
Such a brilliant and unique idea!! These are so cute!!
Thanks Amy x
This is such a cute idea and looks super easy to do – as well was fun! x
Aww, how cute is this! Will have to try with my son.
Aww such a lovely idea! I love handprint crafts too, they’re such a lovely keepsake! Love love love the bunny! Xx
These are adorable, I used to get things like this all the time when my daughter was in nursery but she doesn’t so anything like this now she is older
So cute but yet so easy. I’ve never done any arts and crafts with the kids. Not into it really.
I always think foot prints are a bit silly as the risk of getting things dirty is a lot higher than hand prints but now seeing what you’ve come up with, the shape of a baby’s foot is perfect for making a little chick! Really creative ideas
I’ve always found that handprints are terribly hard and SO messy – the boys used to grab things whereas they would sit still for me to wipe their feet! H x
These are so cute and effective. What a great activity to do with little ones xxx
These turned out so cute! I love handprint/footprint crafts like these.
Love it! I would do this with my little ones and then probably frame them up in their room.
This is such a cute craft idea, I wish I’d done more artsy things with my mum when i was younger xxx
This is so cute! I will have to try this with my toddler and make something for the grannies. Thanks for sharing
Great idea, these are really cute and I bet your little one loved doing them.
Oh that’s such a lovely idea to do with children. So cute!
Oh these are so cute! I LOVE little feet and love making hand and foot print crafts too. Kaz x
Thanks Kaz xx
Awww these are sweet and look relatively easy to do as well. Gonna have to give them a whirl!
Do it it’s easy peasy and so cute xx
Theyre so cute love how simple it was! Will keep them in mind for next easter! x
I love art that features kids hands and feet as its a real memento of that time and how small they were! They do this at Tyler’s preschool but I never tried it at home. One for the to do list! X
Thanks! H x
What a fun idea! So clever and creative. I love the bunny especially
Thanks Becca
H x
These are really good, I used to love doing this with the kids when they were younger, messy fun is always the best fun x
Thank you – it was so fun
I love hand and foot print pictures. These ones are cute. Not sure id manage to get my eldest to curl her fingers though and keep then still lol. We’d be able to do the chick x
Thanks Kerry!
What some absolutely awesome ideas, how cute is the ducking as well. x
Thank you Sarah – it’s so sweet isn’t it?!
Oh you think of the loveliest little projects to make with your little one. I do like this, so cute! And you can even frame it and hang them up in their rooms
Thank you!
These are just SO cute!! Especially the duck, it looks like you had great fun doing them x
Thank so much
I LOVE the idea of a handprint/footprint card – you’re right, they grow so quickly and a card like this is a precious memory. I’ve always preferred to give and receive homemade gifts, they are so much more personal and nice I think!
Thank you
These are so cute. My niece and nephew would love to make these, as they love to get messy.
Awh thanks
This is such a cute idea.
And such a nice memory to have cause they do grow up far too quickly.
Thank you – they do don’t they?!
These are so cute I want to get the paint out now and give this ago.
Haha give it a go! H x
Such a great little crafty idea and the results look so cute. Definitely a good idea to have painting clothes, less to ruin x
Thanks x
That little chick is the cutest- sorry bunny- and I love the idea of using footprints to create animals
Ahh thanks Ana – feet are so easy to do too
Aww, the cards look great. It’s a wonderful idea, I love it. x
Thanks Anca x
These are so lovely and such a good idea. It’s so easy to forget how cute those baby feet once were when you have an eight year old stomping around the house!
Thanks Emma
H x
This is a great one. The ducks have turned out great! Last year we did finger print bunnies and chicks which turned out super cute! X
Ahhh thank you! We loved it
Aw how utterly adorable are these! My kids would love to make these, I think, even though they’re a bit older now
Thank Elizabeth xx