Make a memory box over the summer holidays to look back on in years to come!

Make a memory box over the summer holidays to look back on in years to come! via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The boys really enjoyed sticking stickers from all of their favourite magazine and posters, they had a great time and we did it over a few days so that they didn’t get bored.

There is so much to be done over the summer holidays, I’m genuinely enjoying having this time with Roo. It doesn’t mean I don’t find having all three kids at home twenty four seven stressful, especially as I’m working, but I really do love having the three of them to myself when we go out on day trips.

So far there have been some really awesome things that I know Roo really enjoyed. At the end of last term school asked us to make a memory box with our kids over the holiday and fill it with things that your child might like to tell the class when he/she returns in September. I love this idea, I’m a sucker for anything that stores memories of my children and that they can look back upon in years to come.

I took an old shoe box and printed a tonne of Reuben’s favourite things (which at the moment is Marvel Avengers and DC comics!), cut them up and let the boys choose where to stick them in a collage over the box. We then stuck them down and coated the whole thing with glue, leaving it to dry over night.

Once it was dry we found some things from our first two weeks of the summer holidays, so far we have: a feather from Aunty Kate & Uncle Mike’s wedding that Roo found, a ticket from the cinema when we went to see the new Thomas movie, a picture of the boys at the air show with their Grandparents, a picture of our egg shell painting and some rocks we’ve gathered from the beach.

There really isn’t a limited to what you can put in a memory box, you can save it for your favourite memories of the holiday or you can add something small from everyday, like a little note to say what you did.

I love the idea of Reuben bringing this back with him and us keeping it in the loft for the future. I’ve done our box as a family box but you could do one for each child if you choose.

Harriet x

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