Life Hacks :: Use up leftover candles by making wax melts

Life Hacks :: Use up leftover candles by making wax melts via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

At this time of year I tend to go scent crazy – I don’t just like the halls to be decked with Christmas, but I also like to be able to smell Christmas!! I have a tonne of seasonal room fresheners and candles, and from what I can gather a lot of people do too!

I’ve mentioned to Adam a few times that I find it really annoying how much of my very overpriced Christmas candles are left at the bottom of the glass when the wick burns out – there is so much heavenly scented wax and it absolutely doesn’t get used, it just goes in the bin. How annoying is that!?

Well, be annoyed no more!!

What you need to do is create some wax melts, they work exactly the same as oil in an oil burner, but they are wax and you already have the perfect ingredient right there about the be thrown in the bin!

Here’s what you do:

Take your candle, put it in the oven on a high heat until all the wax is melted. Using a baking mould, or candle mould, pour the hot wax (be careful!) into the mould and bung into the fridge to cool. Once it’s cool, whack out the wax and there you are!! This makes a lovely gift for teachers too – especially if you buy an inexpensive oil burner from somewhere, you can really make a lovely little gift pack.

H x

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