LaNoire’s Vegan Kitchen :: Vegan Pancakes

LaNoire's Vegan Kitchen :: Vegan pancakes via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Delicious vegan style pancakes for everyone to enjoy – I challenge you to give these beauties a go over the weekend and see how they compare to your usual pancake of choice!

Did you enjoy this Pancake day? We certainly did, but we love pancakes in this house and we don’t save them for that special day, in fact, we often make them on a weekend (either that or sausage sandwiches or ‘butties’ as we call them where I live!) to enjoy as a family. The boy’s get mini pancakes which they usually laden into the pan themselves – after they have made a great mess helping to make the mixture of course!

I really love this recipe from LaNoire (and the blueberries with it look perfect – much better than my standard maple syrup stand alone!), it gives you a really thick pancake that is to die for, plus 100% vegan! Give them a try – we will be having them for breakfast this saturday!


Pancakes! Super tastey, fluffy, thick, vegan pancakes.
I could just eat these forever!

420g  self-raising flour
1 1/2 tablespoons white sugar.
1 1/2 tablespoons custard powder.
1 pint soy milk.
1 tablespoon vanilla extract.

Vegan butter or Oil for the pan.

Mix all the dry ingredients together, then slowly add the milk and whisk. Once everything is nice a smooth, add the vanilla and whisk again.

Then on a nice hot pan, use a soup ladle to get just the right amount, pour the mixture and wait about 15 seconds (or until the edges start to bubble) and give it a flip!

Add your favourite toppings, and enjoy!!

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