The giggle garden is just wonderful! Fancy some tiger melon? Cow beans? How about Dinosaur Kale? All real food – all just as delicious as their boring counterparts!
Now that the weather is improving I’m starting to get into the garden and I’m now thinking about getting some things for gardening for kids. We have so much fun in the garden over spring and summer that I am really looking forward to getting both of them out there and making our garden not only pretty but productive this year. We have set up like a little allotment down the side of our house so we can try our hand at growing fruit and veg this year.
I think its really good for kids to do planting and learn about growing fruit and veg, plus its great fun for them to see the fruits of their labour develop, plus we all know playing with mud is a win with kids!
I came across In the Koop last year but had missed the appropriate time for planting a lot of the fruit and veg, but it is officially the coolest garden shop for kids. Essentially they sell the seeds and tools to grow your own plants and flowers, but not just any plants and flowers, these ones are a little different. Their giggle garden boxes contain seeds and instructions on how to grow Green Zebra tomatoes, Dinosaur Kale and Dragon Carrots… all edible, all delicious but all a little bit more exciting and fun than your average veg. They also do a fantastic edible flower set.
I’m going to give these a go with my boys this year, I think they sound like so much fun, and hopefully I will be sharing my fruit and veg with you later on in the year!
Harriet x
I used to love planting flowers and veg in the garden when I was a kid and I do miss not having that sort of space now i’m in a flat x
Oh what a shame Rhian, I know the kids are itching to get at it! H x
These sound really good. We have just repotted our sunflowers today
Oh this is so cute! Gardening so isn’t something I think to teach kids about
They’ll have so much fun planting them. I love the concept and the little names, very exciting for the little ones.
I loved getting involved in gardening clubs at school but I think they are scarce now! It is definitely a good idea to get kids involved with planting and nature from a young age
If anything, it’s just quite fun!