Keep the kids entertained on New Years Eve

Its not always easy to keep kids entertained on New Years Eve, especially when you are hosting a party where their will be adults to entertain to. Here are a few top tips for entertainment ideas.

  • Break out the board games!


Now I know its old-fashioned, but some of my fondest memories are of board games with family and friends. It may well be sneered at by the coolest of teenagers but the younger children (and no doubt the adults once they get wind of monopoly on the go) will love classics like Monopoly, scrabble, who’s who? and even Jenga!

  • Give the children a treasure hunt around the house.

I love this idea, in fact I think it is one way to keep children entertained for hours.

Set up a little treasure hunt all around your house (obviously avoiding rooms you don’t want your guest to go in), you can do this before the guests arrive and set the children to it straight away. It won’t take hardly any effort but will have them jumping for joy at every present they find. Print off a few sheets of clues that will lead them from one treat to another, but don’t make it too easy or they will be done in minutes.

A tip for avoiding any melt downs for children that don’t find a treasure, keep back a handful of treats (best thing to do is count the amount of children you have coming and keep that amount back), be it chocolate or little stocking filler type gifts, then everyone gets a treat at the end! Easy and fun!

  • Set up a little crafting table for kids who want to craft.

There is only one rule here: It needs to be simple.

If you set up a difficult craft it will cause mayhem, and so will a messy one. Bare in mind, parents have probably gone to great lengths to pop little ones in their best outfits for this, so I would always say if you are having any glue, glitter or other such offensive items provide a cover for each (even if its your own kids scruffy wear.)

I think a great idea is to buy some make it yourself kits, such as the fantastic ones you can find at Artful Kids. I especially like the colour-in cardboard kits, they would keep a host of children colouring for hours!

  • Have a quiet corner

Having a quiet corner for younger children is essential. I’m just going to say, judge me if you like, there is no shame is having a host of DVD’s in your arsenal and a couple of bean bags, sofa, air beds, plus cushions or whatever you like for childrent o go and chill out. You will no doubt find that the teenagers will flock to a quieter corner if you have a games console that you want to put there. I think a spare bedroom is a great option. Take some large cushions up there, make an inviting and quiet environment, you will be guaranteed to find some little ones out for the count relatively quickly.

  • Dance space

Whether you are planning to bring out a karaoke machine or just put some music on, do not forget dance space for little ones as well as adults. I would personally tidy away my sons prized toys in their playroom and make that into a dance room, for adults and children. Everyone loves to dance, it is an essential part of celebrations, so don’t limit them!

I hope if you are having a party you give some of these ideas a good go, it really does make all the difference.

Enjoy and all the best for 2014!

Harriet x

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