Impact of Parental Attitudes on Children’s Academic Performance

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash

Societies consider parental involvement a fundamental factor influencing children’s development, behaviors, and personalities. Numerous factors define parental involvement, including expectations, supervision, communication, parenting styles and rules. This article analyzes the association between parents’ attitudes and their implications on children’s academic performance. But before we examine the impact of parental attitudes on children’s academic performance, let’s understand what constitutes these attitudes. 

Parents’ attitudes refer to multiple actions reflected in their behaviors. A parent’s attitude towards a child’s school life may involve communicating with teachers, checking assignments, participating in school activities or programs, and aspirations. Students can use resources like, class textbooks, and other academic materials at their disposal to improve their grades, but their efforts may not yield better outcomes without parents and teachers assuming mutual responsibilities.

How do parental attitudes impact children’s academic performance?

An analysis of the association between parents’ attitudes and learners’ performance has established that parents’ attitudes play a significant role in influencing their children’s reactions or behaviors, including reading habits and academic achievements. Most scholars and teachers believe that a parent’s nonchalant attitude can encourage their child to develop a negative attitude towards education. 

The following factors are associated with better academic performance:

  1. Parents’ communication with their children and teachers: Communicating with teachers about a child’s progress and challenges is consistently associated with high academic achievements. Cooperating with teachers makes it easy to identify students’ challenges or weak areas and resolve them. 
  2. Parenting styles: Children whose parents use authoritative parenting styles and set high standards or clear expectations are likely to perform better than their counterparts with less strict parents.
  3. Parental involvement: There is a positive association between parental involvement and learners’ academic performance. Parent keen on tracking their students’ progress can provide guidance and boost their self-esteem. In addition, children of such parents are less likely to miss classes or develop truancy behaviors. 

Four main ideas to help parents promote better achievements in school 

As a parent, how can you help your child attain better results in school? Achieving exceptional grades requires determination, good health, a positive mindset, a strong support system, and all the essential resources. The following tips can help you encourage your child to reach their potential:

  1. Encourage your child to be a good time manager

Teaching your child time management skills can help them have a smooth school life. You can also help them create a study timetable or a daily routine and get enough time for personal studies, workout sessions, and homework. You’ll gradually realize how fast they adapt to the schedule, complete their assignments, and prioritize school work.

  1. Motivate your child to stay focused.

Attaining better grades won’t happen overnight. As much as you may want your child to be a top performer, you should help them understand that the process is gradual and requires determination. In addition, it is always a good idea to encourage them to take one step at a time.

  1. Teach your child the importance of teamwork in promoting academic success

As a parent, always encourage your child to work with others. Cooperating with peers can help them improve their confidence, communication, and social skills. When working with peers, students learn active listening and how to explore different ideas and express their opinions. 

Another effective way to foster teamwork for better academic performance is to assign children tasks that require collaboration. Alternatively, you can enroll them in camping and community programs like tree planting, which help them value teamwork.

  1. Foster early literacy in reading and writing

Literacy entails a person’s ability to express themselves in writing and comprehend ideas through reading. Children improve their literacy through daily activities in their surroundings, particularly at school and at home. Therefore, as a parent, it is crucial to create opportunities to help your child have an exciting educational experience. Effective strategies include developing children’s vocabulary by introducing them to new words, reading aloud to create a reading habit, supporting early writing by introducing them to spelling exercises, and creating a supportive learning environment.

Final thoughts

Parents have a huge responsibility in determining children’s academic performance. Therefore, every parent should strive to help their child grow by fostering and nurturing academic skills. In addition to creating productive study routines, it’s crucial to avail the necessary resources and help learners discover their academic potential at a younger age by collaborating with teachers to design effective educational interventions and policies.

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