Keeping Adam on time in his new role…

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Time. We all wish we had a bit more of it don’t we? I’m finding now that I have a team to help me, as well as Adam who has just left employment in order to be around the kids more, it’s making a huge difference to the amount of TIME I have to do things.

In case you missed it, Adam left work as a wine merchant last week in order to become a stay at home parent, something that has caused a touch of controversy amongst friends and family. This coming week I have two trips – one is to London and one is to Cardiff. This week is only half way through so who knows what else might crop up, but this isn’t an unusual occurrence and as my work picked up last year I was given more and more of these amazing opportunities. Sure, my mum and my mother in law are both readily available, but what about when we’re asked to go to things as a family? Like our trip to Martinhal in Portugal, which almost had to be cancelled because Adam’s manager “forgot”. I also think it’s so much nicer for the children to have the love and support of their dad at home, especially when it means that we both now have flexibility.

For our family, this made sense.

One of the things that Adam will now be doing is the school run and taking over the duties as school run parent whilst I get cracking a little earlier with work. It’s making a huge difference already and I think we are bossing it as a team. As this is something that Adam has never had to do not to mention managing the children’s schedules (as well as mine and his own) I’ve decided that a little “Happy finishing employment and make sure you stay on time” gift is in order in the form of a watch!

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You might remember not so long ago Reuben and I were gifted some beautiful watches from Belgian brand Ice-Watch. Well they have launched several new ranges and Adam now has his very own, very beautiful Ice-Watch. Adam has never really been one to wear watches but this super stylish silicone watch has become a fixture on his arm. The large watch from the Pierre Leclercq collection in white, sleek, stylish and just sporty enough that it fits with everything else he would normally wear. Has it kept him on time? Sort of!

As for the rest of the family, I mentioned that Reuben and I were gifted the watches by Ice-Watch earlier in the year, which caused quite the tearful dialogue from Toby who is only 18 months younger than him. The problem there is that Toby just wasn’t ready for a watch, he wasn’t ready to start learning time BUT he’s just turned 5 and has started at school so along with his Daddy he has a shiny new watch to match. When I wrote about Ice-Watch watches before, I mentioned that I loved the fact that their children’s watches are analogue faced, which means they can actually see the face of the clock and not just learn time via digital means.

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Lastly, I was also given a bit of a Christmas treat from Ice-Watch (which unfortunately hasn’t helped my time keeping AT. ALL) in the form of their glorious CITY sparkling watch which I’m wearing whilst Toby and I duke it out over who is the best dinosaur battler (it was me, obvs).

Who doesn’t love a bit of a treat eh? Especially when it’s practical and stylish!



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  1. Avatar
    January 15, 2018 / 12:35 pm

    Love it Harriet good on you guys. Does this mean Adam will now guest post on the blog too?

    • Harriet January 15, 2018 / 1:26 pm

      Ha Kayleigh I’m trying to persuade him! We will see! H x

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