How to Choose the Perfect Internal Doors for Your Family Home: A Practical Guide

Beautiful living room interior with fireplace and armchairs

Picking out the doors for inside your family home is far more important than you might think. These practical editions can make a statement and not simply be functional. Because of this, there is any number of styles, materials, and finishes to choose from. Walking down that aisle at the hardware store or flipping through the pages of the catalog can be overwhelming even when it comes to interior doors. In this guide, the idea is to help you narrow down your options so that you could select the doors that fit your home and style.

Understanding Your Needs

Before you jump in to looking at all the different types of doors it’s a good idea to make sure that you know what you need. Take a moment to consider the following:

1. Functionality

What is going to be the primary job for the door you’re looking for? Interior doors could be for a bedroom, bathroom, or even living room. Each room could have different requirements when it comes to your sense of style and functionality. Your bathroom doors should provide privacy but also need to be resistant to moisture from that nice hot steam. Doors for a living room often only mark off a new space. This means they can be more stylish and give a sense of openness.

2. Aesthetic Appeal

The doors you choose should fit the decor you have chosen for the rest of your home. You did too define what that style is. Do you prefer traditional, modern, or rustic looks? You want the visual statement made by your home to be cohesive and smooth. The right door can enhance that look while the wrong door can ruin it.

3. Durability and Maintenance

Define your materials. Everyone wants a durable door, but each material will come with a different set of needs. There are materials that will require more maintenance than others. Wooden doors are a nice warm choice but will need regular polishing. uPVC doors art as traditional and rustic looking but require almost no maintenance.

Types of Internal Doors

Now that you’ve determined what you want, it’s time to look at the types of internal doors that are out there.

1. Panel Doors

The door you’ll find in most homes are panel doors. They’re simple. A panel door has a frame with internal panels that can be raised or flat. These panels come in a lot of variations and designs. They’re simple in construction but could still be made unique to your home. Panel doors are a good choice for pretty much any room in the house.

2. Flush Doors

These are your doors with a smooth, flat surface. There’s no internal panels or designs of any kind. They are the definition of simplistic. Flush doors are usually made of plywood or MDF. This means they cost less and give you a minimalist look. This minimalist look is one that you find in a lot of modern homes.

3. Sliding Doors

Sometimes a door that swings in or out is impractical. That’s where sliding doors come in. These doors slide along a track and are great for our closets, on suite bathrooms, or a simple room divider. Depending on how much privacy you want, sliding doors come in glass, wood, and metal.

How to Choose the Right Material for You

Choosing the material isn’t just about deciding how much maintenance you want. The material of your doors is a huge part of its appearance, durability, and maintenance. These are some of the most popular options:

1. Solid Wood

Your classic, traditional choice is solid wood doors. Wood offers you a premium look that comes with a significant amount of durability. You also have the option of several wood types that will influence color and strength. The most common wood types are oak, pine, and mahogany. With this durability and stylish look comes a heftier price tag and more maintenance.

2. Engineered Wood

Engineered wood is probably the most popular choice for interior doors. These are your doors that are made of MDF or HDF. You still get a little bit of that wood look with a smaller price tag because they’re not solid. They mimic the appearance of that solid wood and still offer a decent amount of durability. Because they’re not solid, they also are more resistant to warping and cracking than solid wood.

3. Glass

For when you want less privacy, glass doors are great way to create that feeling of openness. Not to mention the amount of natural light you can have flowing through your home. You’ll be able to find fully glazed glass doors or even glass panels within a wooden frame depending on your style. If you want a little more privacy, frosted or textured glass can give you that while still creating that light effect.

Make Sure to Include Your Style

Now that you’ve determined your needs and your type, it’s time to consider your style and the design of your home. This is where you make your interior door choices personal. Here are some popular styles:

1. Traditional

if you like the more traditional look, you want to go with the raised panel doors with intricate designs. Traditional doors are made of solid wood with a look that adds elegance to any room.

2. Modern

Your modern style is clean and minimalist. A modern look goes for flat panel doors that are usually made from glass or engineered wood. If your home has a contemporary look you’ll want to go for that modern design style.

3. Rustic

A rustic style means you go for that cozy, country feeling. Much like traditional doors, these are typically made of solid wood. They have added features though. Rustic doors like ledge and brace door feature horizontal ledges and diagonal braces that add character as well as stability.

Measuring and Installation

Before buying any doors, make sure you measure accurately so you buy the right size. After that, proper installation makes sure that your doors fit perfectly and move smoothly.

1. Measuring

You need to measure the height, width, and thickness of the door opening. Most door openings aren’t completely square so you’ll want to make measurements at multiple places.

2. Installation

Installing a door isn’t as easy as it looks. It’s a good idea to leave it to the professionals, especially if you’ve never done it before. Not installing it correctly can cause misalignment and gaps that will keep your door from moving smoothly.


Choosing the perfect door for your family home isn’t as easy as just saying “ohh I like that one.” You need to take a moment to consider the function of the door, how it fits into your design, the materials you want, in your personal style. Choosing an interior door for your home requires making an informed decision. Any changes you make in your home should enhance the look and the practicality of your house. Making the right choice will only contribute to creating a beautiful and functional living space for your family.

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