How To Be A Great Partner While Being A Great Parent

Parenting isn’t an easy thing to do, no matter how wonderful it can be – it’s hard, and there’s so much to think about and try to get right that it’s essentially a full-time job on top of everything else you have to do in life. And when you add trying to keep your relationship with your partner strong, it can all feel like a bit much and like you’ve just got too many balls in the air. However, it is perfectly possible to be a great parent and a great partner, it’s just that it takes a bit of effort to get it right, and with that in mind, here are some tips to help you. 

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Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna


Communication is probably the most important aspect of being a good parent and a good partner, but it’s not just about talking to and at one another – you’ve got to hear each other as well. Those meaningful conversations you used to have can easily get lost and forgotten about when you’ve got so many parenting tasks to take care of (not to mention your job if you work as well), and in the end you might just be exchanging quick questions about who’s picking who up and what’s for dinner. 

That’s why it’s important to take the time to check in with each other regularly, even if it’s just five minutes before bed. Make sure you share how you’re feeling and have some deeper discussions rather than the surface level chat that you’ve managed so far during the day and you’ll soon find your relationship gets stronger again. 

Divide And Conquer 

Parenting can definitely feel overwhelming, but you’re not in it alone, and it’s wise to know what each other’s strengths are and play to them as much as possible when it comes to dividing up the jobs and responsibilities that are part and parcel of daily life with kids. Maybe one of you is the bedtime storyteller and another deals with lunch boxes and so on. Do whatever works, just make sure you make it a team effort. 

And don’t forget to be appreciative and thank each other – it can make all the difference and really mean the world when you’re both hard at work maintaining your relationship and being good parents. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Sometimes you just need an outside perspective to get back on track, and couples therapy can really help in that regard. You might assume that this kind of help is only for couples who are on the edge of ending their relationship (and it can definitely be of help there), but it’s actually for anyone and everyone – it’s always good to talk, especially if communication has become difficult over the years. 

The fact is that a good therapist can help you get through the rougher patches and teach you coping mechanisms for the future so you can be good to one another even when parenting is stressing you out – it’s just one extra step that can help, so never be ashamed to get professional advice.

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