How to Add a Little More Luxury to Your Family Trips

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Family trips are supposed to be fun for everyone, and they very often can be, but sometimes the adults in the party end up feeling like their trips are all for the kids with none of the little extras or luxuries they love. It’s all cramped hotel rooms and theme parks but you know what? You can make your next family trip more luxurious for you all. Here’s how:

The Art of the Unexpected Upgrade

Ever notice how people in first class get actual glasses and silverware instead of plastic cups and sporks? Sometimes, a flight upgrade can be more affordable than you think, especially during off-peak travel times, and yes, even if you have the kids in tow too. Nobody ever regrets that extra legroom, plus your kids get a real-life demonstration of “being fancy.” Granted, you might not always be able to snag that golden ticket, but it doesn’t hurt to check. Even a small elevation in your travel class can make you feel like the star of your own reality show (minus the crew of camera people following you around).

Sleeping in Style

Sure, you could book the same old budget-friendly chain hotel, but where’s the excitement in that? Picture a plush bed fit for royalty, trendy décor that impresses even your surly teenager, and an ambiance so gorgeous you might contemplate moving in permanently. For instance, if you’re exploring the East Coast, consider luxury hotels in Wilmington DE, such as The Quoin Hotel & Restaurant, for a one-night stop or your entire stay. The Quoin delivers on that boutique vibe, offering elevated comfort and enough style points to keep everyone’s cameras snapping. Suddenly, you’re not just on a trip—you’re on a mini-adventure where bedtime feels more like a spa retreat than a chore.

Fine Dining for the Win

Kids may be satisfied with chicken nuggets, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sneak in some top-tier cuisine to elevate the experience. Even if you’re partial to burgers and fries, treat yourselves to one nice meal where the menu features words you can’t pronounce. Add a dash of spontaneity by letting the kiddos order something upscale, just for kicks. Who knows, they might discover they like calamari. Or they might stick out their tongues in horror—but hey, at least you made a memory.

Embrace the “Extra” Moments

Luxury isn’t just about spending more money; it’s about creating experiences that feel special. Instead of cramming all your sightseeing into a single day, pick one iconic spot and really indulge. Take a private tour. Book a VIP experience. Laugh at how the kids pretend not to be impressed while secretly loving every second of it. Little splurges along the way—like a sunset boat ride, a fancy dessert at that upscale café you’ve been eyeing, or even a relaxing spa treatment—can transform a standard family outing into something you’ll all cherish.

So go ahead, level up your next vacation. After all, you don’t need to be a millionaire to feel like one!

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