Horsehead by Donkey Creative… revitalising old games for new kids!

HorseHead by Donkey Creative via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Something so simple but a great way to add a touch of fun to a really old game. The other thing you could do is strap this to something else for Horsey fun when you aren’t available!

HorseHead by Donkey Creative via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

My boys love this game, its something that we have always done!

I can’t.

I think this is hilarious, and even as I’m writing about it, I’m not entirely sure I’m taking it seriously! My boys (yes even Reuben at 3 1/2) love to play the game Horsey Horsey, where they bounce on your knee and you sing to them. They love it!

This is a totally awesome product (slightly insane) designed by Donkey Creative with the goal of making a game as old as time a bit more up to date and fun for kids.

You just strap the horse head to your leg and suddenly you have a perfect Horse. The horse is made from cord and synthetic leather so is really sturdy and going to withstand being beaten and bitten by even the youngest of riders!

Hilarious, totally crazy and something I bet you never thought would be invented! You can get one here.

Harriet x

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