Hello Spring! Ideas for getting your home on trend for the new season.

Hello Spring! Ideas for getting your home on trend for the new season.Pin this image on Pinterest

Boho has always been one of my favourite looks, and it’s so easy to achieve plus, perfect for SS15.

With spring now upon us, I’ve started to pack away my winter accessories and big thick quilts in favour of lighter sheets and fresher decor in my room. You might remember that not too long ago I redecorated the boy’s room (you can read about it here if you didn’t catch it) and designed Edith’s nursery t0o (again, if you missed it, check it out here) but I like to keep kiddos rooms relatively season and age free – after all, you would be redoing them every other month if you went with ‘trends’. That being said, this upcoming Spring/Summyer season I think there are some fabulous ‘trends’ for home ware, that can be incorporated into any room – no matter what your colour scheme really is. I thought I’d tell you about a few of them and how to add these Spring styles to your room without changing too much.

For Something Ethnic

The effortless look of bohemian chic is a timeless look that is perfect for a spring/summer bedroom. I just love this look, and when I think of it I always channel those hand block printed quilts, or these stunning quilts from OM Home (remember those jasper cotton pjs the boys had a few years ago? Yep, quilts like that – hello!) This kind of theme is so beautiful with wooden bed furniture, it just completes that earthy feel that can be super relaxing. This look will definitely make you feel luxuriously cool, even if you don’t get the chance to spend much time in your bed once the kids get you up!.

For Something Floral

Hello Spring! Ideas for getting your home on trend for the new season.Pin this image on Pinterest

Flower power isn’t just a 70’s trend, it’s back for 2015. You can go as extreme as you like, or keep it neutral with a few accents.

Florals are the staple trend for any spring/summer look, not just in the bedroom. Add a little sweetness to a fairly neutral room with some big scatter cushions (have I ever mentioned I have an obsession with scatter cushions? No? Well I do!) that have floral prints, or even a floral print quilt. Add a bouquet of fresh flowers on the window sill or on the dresser, with candles to keep that wonderful fresh scent and make it feel like you are in a meadow.

For Something Vintage

Hello Spring! Ideas for getting your home on trend for the new season.Pin this image on Pinterest

This sort of ‘enjoy the tea party’ look is so easy to create and will suit most styles and rooms.

In recent years, the vintage countryside look has been creeping its way into interior Spring/Summer trends; and with good reason! With patchwork cushions (which you can easily make yourself – possibly even from your little ones old clothing for a really personal touch) and soft, sweet tones, this pretty as a picture style is ideal if you want something that is timeless and maybe not so daring. It is therefore perfect for those who may only want a subtle change to their spring/summer-inspired bedrooms and works well with pretty much every style of furniture.

This spring/summer is all about keeping things real and simple, and as parents we often don’t have the time to think about chafing our rooms from a ‘wintery phase’ to a ‘spring phase’ – let’s be honest, do you even remember the last time you did a ‘spring clean’, let along a total remake of something just because the season changed?! What is great about these styles is that they can easily be incorporated into your existing bedroom colour scheme, all the while still looking as though it had always been there, with hardly any effort from you at all! So join me in packing away the wintery accessories and spruce things up for Spring!

Harriet x

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