Hand crafted, montessori inspired beds from Woodly.

Montessori beds from Woodly via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The ‘pure’ montessori bed, no edges to stop your child rolling out, but so low to the ground that they will naturally learn to climb in and won’t hurt themselves should they roll out.

Montessori beds from Woodly via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The wheels on the classic montessori bed (which does have edges for those that don’t want to adopt the full principle) are ideal for encouraging kiddos to love their bed, while remaining stylish and minimal in your home!

I really love these beds. At first when I saw ‘montessori beds’ I will confess I rolled my eyes a bit, as a mother whose son attends montessori preschool I am a fan of that way of learning, but really, beds?! Once you read that the ‘montessori’ part is just to describe the way the bed has been designed to allow a very young child to get on and off by themselves, you realise it is (like a lot of montessori/waldorf inspired stuff) ingenious!

The beds are designed so that they are 19cm off the floor, making it easy for even the youngest children to roll in and out, learning how to get on and off a bed for themselves. Made from ethically sourced, wood and hand finished with non toxic shellac, wax and water based dyes these bed look super stylish and minimal, while allowing your child to learn how to independently get in and out of bed.

You can find out more about the Woodly range here and buy a woodly bed here.

Harriet x

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