Halloween style for kids :: Fashion for Halloween and after.

Halloween fashion for kids 2015 via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

As you can probably tell if you have seen my last few posts, I’m beginning to get in the Halloween spirit (ba-dum – poor puns are my jam.)

I love any excuse to treat the kids, and they love to indulge me. I think Halloween can be the ideal opportunity to buy your children some super cool clothes, because ghouls aren’t just for Halloween when you are five years old, they are a daily requirement, and dress up is too – but at Halloween all the coolest brands put their thinking caps on and come up with clothes that you simply can’t say no to.

I’ve put together a little edit of my top Halloween style for kids finds, there is still plenty of time to get them in preparation for next week (which is our half term as well as Halloween week!)

From Left to Right:

Cat dress by Doodle Do £12.47 (ON SALE!!)

Navy velcro superhero sweater £51.00 by Stella McCartney Kids

Bleeding heart tutu $149.50 by Tutu Du Monde

Black net dress with wings £74.00 by Stella McCartney Kids

Yellow bat puffer jacket/coat £95.00 by Mini Rodini

Cat print bodysuit £34.00 by Noé & Zoé

Grey glow in the dark monster tee £23.00 by BillyBandit

Red flying broomstick dress £24.10 by Doodle-Do

I hope you like these styles as much as I do. The wonderful thing is that I know my kids would continue to wear this style waaaay past halloween – especially that divine yellow puffer coat, it reminds me so much of Batman which both boy adore at the moment.

H x

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