Flower pressing to save precious flowers like Edith’s bouquet

Flower pressing to save precious flowers like Edith's bouquet via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This is Edith’s flower girl bouquet and I am desperate to keep it for her when she is older.

Flower pressing to save precious flowers like Edith's bouquet via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Flower pressing to save precious flowers like Edith's bouquet via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This is the most adorable picture of Edith as a flower girl.

Flower pressing is something that most of us have done over the years, but this time I really want these flowers to keep forever because they are so special to us. As I mentioned before we were at a special wedding last week, the children’s godparents.

Edith was a flower girl and I was a bridesmaid, so we were both given bouquets – Edith’s was a surprise, one which we now want to treasure for when she is older and can look back at it.

Here’s how to press flowers for the maximum effect:

Allow to dry out naturally for a day or two in the sun. Then take a piece of kitchen towel and wrap it around your flower or bouquet.

Place between two heavy books for a few days. The paper towel will absorb any moisture in the flowers and the weight of the books will squash the flowers and preserve them.

Give it a go if your little ones are flower girls or you have a special corsage.

Harriet x

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