Father’s Day is always a rather special time in our house, from my husband’s family side anyway. My father in law has his birthday a few days after and Adam’s birthday is just before so it often feels like one long week of celebrations.
NotontheHighstreet.com have come up with a way to determine what kind of daddy our daddy is this Father’s Day; is he part dad, part superhero? Part dad, part food lover? Maybe part dad, part globe trotter? As part of their campaign to encourage everyone to #GetToKnowDad, I asked my kid’s some questions – which was super hard as they were more interested in their new Guinea Pigs – to determine what kind of Daddy we have on our hands.
One thing we did figure out is that Daddy is 100000% a sports fanatic, with half of the answers revolving about his obsession with football. Something we already knew was that Adam is a wonderful Daddy, one who spends hours playing Lego Star Wars, hours pushing the kids on the swing and is the master of countless tickle fests. So our Daddy is part dad, part sports lover and here is why:
What’s the most fun thing Daddy has ever done with you?
Reuben: Pushing me on the swing! He makes me go REALLY higher and higher.
Toby: Playing Lego Star Wars with me.
What’s Daddy’s favourite thing to do?
Reuben: Spend time with us and play football.
Toby: I think I don’t know… tidying the playroom?
What’s the most embarrassing thing Daddy’s ever done? What makes you say “Oh Daddy, stop!”
Reuben: When he sings in the car… that’s really bad…
What does Dad do at work?
Reuben: He works with wine… and customers… oh yeah, he sells wine to customers!
Toby: He works with wine, which is a drink!!
If Dad could have any job in the world what would it be?
Reuben: A footballer!!
Toby: He’d watch football all day long (Me: that’s not a job Toby! Toby: but that’s what he would like to do!)
What makes Dad really happy?
Reuben: Playing with us and going to football.
Toby: Going to work… or maybe I think not.
What’s Daddy really good at?
Reuben: Playing football
Toby: Tickling me!
If Dad could be anyone in the world, who would he be?
Reuben: Messi
Toby: My daddy would be a guinea pig.
What was Dad’s favourite holiday?
Reuben: DisneyLand! Or was it DisneyWorld? Where did we go again?
Toby: DisneyWorld! Did he come with us?
If Dad could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Reuben: DisneyWorld again!
Toby: Japan, with me. To buy toys…
If you were going to get Dad a gift, what would he like?
Reuben: A football shirt!!
Toby: A pokemon toy. Or a guinea pig.
After all of that, we decided to give Daddy a gift worthy of a football obsessed, Disney loving (he’s not), Guinea pig cuddling (hates the guinea pigs!) tickle master. We’ve ordered three gifts for him because, well, three children and I we wanted to gift him something that showed him just how well we know him and how much we love and think of him!
The first was chosen by Reuben who knows how much his Daddy loves Hull City, and knew that the stadium they play in – where Daddy goes to worship – is called the KC Stadium. We ordered this lovely print by Letterfest and it was designed for us, personalised and even made with the Hull City colours. They offer any stadium, you just need to tell them which – what names, colours and details and they will do the rest. Reuben also spent time talking about how Daddy had been born in Hull and after a recent school trip he even knew it was the current city of culture!
Toby really loved this super cute football shirt print by Cows and Kisses, and I loved the fact that you could personalise every detail – from the style of the shirts to the sizes, amount and names. A really sweet idea for Father’s Day for any football fan. This will make a really sweet treat for Daddy, and it was great for getting Toby to spell out and name all our family!
Lastly, but certainly not least, is this fabulous cushion from The Drifting Bear that I chose from Edith. Adam has been a season ticket holder for Hull City for most of his life and before that he would go all the time with friends and family members. I love this cushion because it has the details of his ticket on there and can be personalised for any football fan, Daddy or not.
As for what Daddy thought of those answers… well, they made us chuckle for sure. I love the fact that this gave Adam the chance to sit down with the kids and actually teach them a few things about himself that they maybe didn’t know before. He would love to go to Japan, but not to buy toys, to absorb the culture and his favourite holiday was our Honeymoon in Cuba… and he certainly wouldn’t be a Guinea Pig haha!
Why don’t you do #GetToKnowDad a bit better and find out a bit more about him!
Great! All the best