everythingfordads.com :: a fantastic website for dads plus some sweet pictures of the Daddy in this family

A great website for dads (and mums too!)Pin this image on Pinterest

A great website for dads (and mums too!)

One of my favourite pictures of my husband and our boys.Pin this image on Pinterest

One of my favourite pictures of my husband and our boys.

So Father’s Day has just passed and of course, like most mummies, I was looking around for something special to do for Daddy, when I came across this website everythingfordads.com

I think this is definitely something that needs to be shared with everyone and something that should be shared with all the daddies out there.  There are so so many sites out there that are truly fabulous for mamas – MumsNet, Emma’s Diary, Gurgle just to name a few – but not so many aimed at Dads. There are plenty of great dad blogs but unless you want to read about their lifestyles, share their parenting view or have an interest in what they want to discuss, they won’t necessarily be for you.

There are so so many sites out there that are truly fabulous for mamas - MumsNet, Emma's Diary, Gurgle just to name a few - but not so many aimed at Dads. Pin this image on Pinterest

There are so so many sites out there that are truly fabulous for mamas – MumsNet, Emma’s Diary, Gurgle just to name a few – but not so many aimed at Dads.

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everythingfordads.com is exactly what it says it is – everything for dads. From fun crafts to news topics on pressing parental matters, from advice for dads from dads to humorous anecdotes that let dads know they aren’t alone when they are having a bad day.

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I really think this is something that you should share with your partner or dad-friends. It’s vital that we stop whining about how little dads do when it comes to parenting if we don’t give them the equal opportunity to nurture and learn as parents.


everythingfordads.com is exactly what it says it is – everything for dads. From fun crafts to news topics on pressing parental matters, from advice for dads from dads to humorous anecdotes that let dads know they aren’t alone when they are having a bad day.

I really think this is something that you should share with your partner or dad-friends. It’s vital that we stop whining about how little dads do when it comes to parenting if we don’t give them the equal opportunity to nurture and learn as parents.

Harriet x

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