Early Rider Spherovelo Juno

It is so hard to find a good, sturdy ride on that is suitable for use from a young age that looks good in your home.

That is why the Early Rider Spherovelo is making it onto my top five gifts for baby. I just wish I had one for Toby!!

Not only will you love the look of this but so will your little one! Suitable from 12 months it is a great way to introduce your baby to bike riding and with detachable stabilisers its great to encourage balance as they grow.

I love the spherical shapes in the design, it looks like something I want in my living room! Not only that, but the spheres have an important function because, unlike a lot of designs, if your child tips or tilts too far, the back wheel will simply relocate rather than fall over as it rotates in all directions. Early Rider call it ‘safely unstable’. Finally, as if you didn’t have enough reasons to love this already, it will move easily on wood, carpet and any kind of tiles!

If you want to order one of these for your child for the holidays, you best be quick! Find them here at Toyella.

Harriet x


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    Georgina Arkle
    December 3, 2013 / 9:03 pm

    Great shape, easy to get on and off.

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