You should know (assuming you follow the blog) that I am about as crafty as a flatulent hippo is elegant. I have zero crafting skills and generally speaking when we hand my in laws their annual hamper, it’s with a smile of “sorry it’s so shit!” and a hope that the sheer volume of alcohol in there will make up for the crafts that deserve hiding behind the photo frames and pushing to the back of the Christmas tree.
This year, whilst scouring pinterest for crafts that I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do and would make a really rather shit job of, I came across wax crayon baubles and thought “fuck it, I’ll have a crack at that!” I confess to thinking, even I can’t cock that up… but I probably will.
Guess what? I didn’t!
Firstly, Edith and I made one, then we made another and by the time it make to making one with the boys, we were making those wax crayons weep and whooping their waxy little crayon butts. So here I give to you, DIY wax crayon baubles that you simply can’t cock up.
- Step one.
Grab a fillable bauble, and open it up.
- Step two.
Pick your wax crayons. You can do as little as two colours (it doesn’t work with one) and as many as you want. Reuben has done a cracking multi-coloured one without hardly any help from me (which is probably why it’s cracking…)
- Step three.
Use a peeler to grate a few slivers off the wax crayons. Scrunch up the wax so that it is in tiny flecks.
- Step four.
Close the bauble halves together and use a hair dryer to heat the plastic – it actually gets really hot so be aware that your fingers might get a tad warm. I wouldn’t let the kids do this bit. Move the bauble around as it heats, the wax will stick the more you shake it about, don’t let it all melt in one spot or you end up with a blob!
- Step five
Allow to dry and admire your awesomeness. You just made a DIY wax crayon bauble that wasn’t wholly shit. Woo!!
H x
Haha, congrats on your ‘not shit’ baubles!!!