Why Disney World & our souvenirs plan

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We often get comments about our decision to take the kids to Disney World at such a young age. Usually along the lines of “Oh but they won’t remember it!” Or “but what’s the point, they’re too young”. I have to say it’s something I questioned myself – Edith isn’t quite 2, in fact she’s just passed 18months so she really won’t have much recollection of this holiday, our holiday of a life time, if any at all.

The truth is, there is a time limit of the magic of childhood and I can help that feel it is running out more and more each day for Reuben. Yeah, Disney World is always going to be a magical place and it’s always going to be amazing not matter what your age, but to really, truly believe in the magic I think you have to be little.

DisneyWorld wasn’t the only thing we considered, we shopped around and looked at various options. I pretty much lived in Tots to Travel for the better part of 2 weeks while I was pregnant. We’re talking water park extravaganza style hotels in Europe, the coolest beach destinations in the Caribbean, crusies designed just for kids… The list of options was endless but ultimately it always came back to Disney.

As a child it was a dream of mine to visit DisneyWorld with my dad. After my parents split my mum often promised to take me but I would always reply “No! Daddy is taking me, he’s promised!” And that was that. I didn’t really have a very good relationship with my father after my parent’s divorce, and sadly Disney World was just one more let down. So I never went.

Now as an adult it is still something I dream of, and every day it becomes more so with watching my children grow and fall for the Disney magic more and more. Disney World was never just a holiday to me, it was an unfulfilled childhood dream that is being brought to fruition.

I’ve been thinking about what I would like to bring home from Disney World and Universal studios, what souvenirs I would like to remember these special moments, and there are so many!! Disney souvenirs are slightly outnumbered by Universal and SeaWorld souvenirs, for me Disney holds more of a lure for Christmas present shopping and trying food. Lots of food.

So what do I want to bring home? Please jump in with your suggestions too!


  • A Christmas Bauble – cliche, yes. Give a fuck? Not at all. It is a quintessential part of the Disney experience I think, and it’s something I really want to have with us, and pass down to my kids.
  • Micky/Minnie ears – come on now, I don’t care if you’re 5 or 500, these are probably going to be my first purchase. Yeah they are.
  • Unique toys – a few years ago we bought a Disney wooden train set from EBay that was a Disneyland Paris special. Each resort, each park and each shop apparently has stuff that you simply can’t buy anywhere else in the world. We’re planning on allowing ourselves the indulgence of Christmas shopping… And since its the Halloween period at Disney, we may well have to come back with something for that holiday too!
  • Food – unfortunately with customs restrictions, il be limited to what I can bring back, but I will be trying EVERYTHING while I’m there, and then bringing back whatever I can! Yum!
  • Pins – I heard about his craze while trawling Pinterest for ideas for what to do in Disney, but I’ve already bought the boys some cheap collectable pins and they can exchange them with “cast members” as they go around the park. It would be sweet to buy a really unusual or unique one for each of them… Or maybe even to swap one!
  • Tsum tsums – Edith (total lie, it’s all me) is obsessed with Tsum tsums. They are small enough for her hands and easy for her to snuggle. We’ll be buying her some of the unique ones for sure!
  • A mug – I love Disney mugs, who doesn’t? So, in terribly middle aged fashion, this has made my wish list. I want a mug. For coffee. Ha.


  • Transformers memorabilia – the boys (including daddy) are obsessed. Totally obsessed. I wanted to see if we could find some unique memorabilia and unique toys for them to bring home.
  • Harry Potter loot – this list could drag on forever: all the food, all the drink, a wand, a jumper… So much. So so much.
  • Superhero loot! – the boys are huge super hero fans, so I am super excited to get them some awesome gifts for Christmas!
  • Unique toys again – if there is only one place to get it, you better get it. For reals.

What else should I add to my list?

H x

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  1. Avatar
    olivia Kirby
    October 3, 2018 / 5:03 pm

    You’re never too young or too old for Disney!! I’ve taken them to DLP when they were 1 and youngest I took them to Florida was 2.

  2. Avatar
    Mark M
    September 25, 2018 / 2:47 pm

    Our children would like to go and visit Disneyland, but we are yet to do so.

  3. Avatar September 11, 2016 / 8:40 pm

    I’ve never been to disney world because when I was a kid I was too frightened of people in costumes and never liked rides, these days I’d love to go but I’d rather wait until I have kids of my own to experience like you’re hoping to, to see them believe in the magic! I hope you have a fantastic time!

  4. Avatar September 9, 2016 / 9:20 am

    Ahhh Disney is great! I went when I was 13 and I loved it! I agree that you have to be young to believe in the magic if it all and evn though the littlests is just past 18 months and probably won’t remember it you’ll still have the pleasure of seeing how happy it makes her when you go and you can document those memories. So even though she may not remember its still going to be an equally magical experience for you all 🙂

  5. Avatar September 8, 2016 / 8:39 pm

    It’s good that you have a bit of a plan of what you want to buy, I always just go a little crazy. I am going to Disneyland Paris for halloween so I am going to buy everything Nighmare before Christmas themed x

  6. Avatar September 8, 2016 / 1:46 pm

    I love your souvenir list, It’s a brilliant Idea to share your purchases. Most posts I see are on the disney experience but to put in your personal must-haves is very unique.
    I have to say I didn’t buy anything whilst I was there, gutted! I wish I’d have bought a bauble or some permanent keepsake.

  7. Avatar September 7, 2016 / 5:00 pm

    My parents took me when I was around two and a half and a lot of my memories are made up from pictures that we have and also little flashbacks. I remember really enjoying playing on the climbing frames- the rides were lost on me but I loved it!

  8. Avatar September 7, 2016 / 1:30 pm

    I think you’ve got a pretty awesome and extensive souvenir list already, I’d be all over the disney decorations and I don’t think I could leave without a mug either. We’re off the Disneyland Paris in January, our girls will be 3 and 1, I really would like to take them to Florida in the next couple of years too. I can’t wait to read all about your magical experience and I agree, you’re never too young-or too old for Disney! x

  9. Avatar September 7, 2016 / 12:46 pm

    I would love to go to Disney World one day! I worry about the limited time of magic too. My daughter is 5 but my son is only 11months. May leave it a year or two. xx

  10. Avatar
    September 7, 2016 / 11:08 am

    I’ve always wanted to go to Disney – hope you have the best time!

  11. Avatar September 7, 2016 / 8:02 am

    I hope to go to Disney world one day too! Hope you have an amazing time when you go
    Fab Wishlist I have a few tsum tsum too 🙂

  12. Avatar September 7, 2016 / 7:18 am

    Fab list!!

    That crossroads I told you about… there is a MASSIVE gift shop that sells some official Disney and HP stuff but a lot cheaper than at the parks 😀

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