Disney Tsum Tsums might be odd looking and commercial but they make the BEST teething toys for babies – just ask Edith!
Now I know what you’re thinking, ‘Disney? Could I get more commercial?!’ Well no I probably couldn’t, but I’m putting this on here any way!! My boys do love Disney, and so do I. I always have, so occasionally I will let them have a toy from the Disney store (though trips here are far and few between).
A couple of weeks ago I visited the Disney store with my mum to grab some Marvel stuff for the boys, but what caught me when I walked in was something called Tsum Tsums. If you haven’t heard of these they are super weird little soft toys from Japan that come in all different Disney characters. They look so odd and when I stopped to look a super helpful assistant pounced on me to regale me with how awesome they are and how collectable. Apparently they sell out in hours online and ques go around the block when a new set is released every first Tuesday of the month.
The reason I’m telling you all this is because Edith was immediately captivated with the Tsum Tsums, and at only £3 each I did get her one… Which she hasn’t left since. They are just the right size for her little hands to squeeze and pull without getting slapped in the face by dangly legs or arms and she seems to love biting and pulling at it, which seems to help her teeth.
So guys, I guess what I’m saying is: Buy a Tsum Tsum for your teething baby, because they seem to love them!!
Harriet x