I just can’t get enough of Maileg mice and bunnies, they are so sweet and fit perfectly on this lovely shelf!
Well here it is! I have been working on my little girl’s nursery and gleaning inspiration from various brands and designers that I love for ages. I think when you have children already life can be so hectic that you don’t get to dedicate as much time to designing a room as you would like, though 4am has been a good time to have a brain storm for me!
I absolutely love my nursing chair and I think that the fact the boys have used this cotbed gives a really sentimental touch to the room. I’ll be adding some artwork the the right hand corner there once we decide on a name!
I have stuck with the same cotbed that I have had for both of the boys, but I have obviously changed the bedding. I love the fact that all of our children have shared the same bed, I think it’s so sweet and when we look back that will be the one thing that has been a consistent thing for all of the children’s rooms.
As you can see in the picture above the wall has a broad stripe of ‘rose ritz’ pinky coloured paint across. While I didn’t want the room to be a stereotypical baby pink room, it’s just not my taste, I did want something that would have an element of ‘pretty’ and chose to go for this colour with it’s deep rose hue. I wanted something that she could grow into, so as her tastes develop she will hopefully still like her room for a number of years! I took inspiration for the wall styling from the lovely Olli Ella site, which is where I got my bedding from. To do the ‘stripe’ across the room I chose my desired width and then used masking tape to create a truly straight line and painted over the desired space. It was so easy and looks really effective (or I think so anyway!)
This image is from the Olli Ella website (where I got my beautiful pitter patter pink bedding) and I took my inspiration from this. I wanted a slightly darker pink hue, because I want her to be able to grow with the room, but I love love love the design!
My beautiful bedding has come from Olli Ella and I LOVE it! The little teddies in the cot were from a recent trip abroad and were being handmade in front of us at a market stall by a local lady. Such a sweet memory builder!
I bought a new wardrobe for her room, something that she can grow up with because it is solid wood and can be rearranged inside to give a better depth to the shelving for her larger clothes as she gets taller. The rocking horse belonged to the boys and has now moved into her room when they decided they didn’t want it in theirs!
I chose the pitter patter pink bedding from Olli Ella, mainly because I love the styling so much, it’s truly adorable and in no way overly babyish! My little shelf and hedgehog lamp are both from Mothercare and help create a perfect finish, plus a little bit of storage for those all important necessities I may need for night feeds. I love the touch of the Maileg bunnies and mice too, the room wouldn’t feel complete without them!
These beautiful little decorations were a gift from some of the baby’s god mother’s (she has 5 in total!) and I knew they would be perfect in her room on her window sill to remind me of my baby shower too!
These adorable shoes were a gift from a friend and make such a beautiful little feature just hanging on the door, my heart melts every time I see them!
There are so many sweet gifts in this room too, my dearest friend’s and family have been so generous and kind with their keepsake gifts and we have tried to make sure that they all have pride of place… at least until she’s old enough to try and eat them!
I hope you like the baby’s room, I love it and it was a real source of pride the other day to see it complete and finished, not only for me because I can’t wait to meet her but also because it represents a new chapter for us as a family of five!
Harriet x
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