Cranberry & Gin glaze for Christmas

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I really do love cooking, and whilst everyone else is freaking out about cooking the Christmas dinner, I am getting really excited about it!

Each year, despite there only being two adults and three kids, I go overboard and cook a turkey, a beef dish because I know Adam will really enjoy that (and the boys too now they are older) and I do a veggie option because I REALLY enjoy a good veggie offering at the grand table. I know, it’s excessive right? I don’t care, I’m not sorry and it’s never wasted because mama like to eatttttt at Christmas, okayyyy? We genuinely dine out for days on our Christmas lunch, so whatever I cook I want to make sure that it is tasty enough that we all want more.

This year I wanted all out decadence for my turkey crown (I do a crown because we really only eat the breast of the turkey and I didn’t want to waste it!) so I came up with a recipe for a VERY tasty Cranberry and Gin glaze. It’s not too strong but just adds a delicious subtle hint and it gives the turkey the most beautiful shining glaze that adds to the wow factor.

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You will need:

  • 1 1.35kg Turkey Crown
  • 75g butter
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 3 tbsp cranberry jelly
  • 2 tbsp gin (sloe gin is actually the best option but any gin will be super tasty
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp ginger puree (you can use grated, I just find the squeezy tube puree easier)
  • 1 tsp garlic puree (as above)
  • 1-2 tsp soy sauce

Step 1 – Pre heat your oven to 200C/GM7, leave your bird out of the fridge for around 30 mins as it makes it easier to get the packaging off and to spread the butter under the skin. I recommend cooking your bird fresh and not frozen.

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Step 2 – Take your crown and gently slide your fingers underneath the skin to separate it from the meat. Mix your butter, salt and pepper together, then take a scoop of butter in your hand and push underneath the skin. This will help keep your turkey nice and juicy – I’ve always thought turkey was quite a dry meat so this helps! Add butter to the top as well to help the skin crisp. Pop her in a baking try with a rack and cover with foil and cook for 1 hour.

Step 3 – Let’s make the glaze! Combine your cranberry jelly, gin, maple syrup, soy sauce, ginger and garlic. Stir well so that everything is completed blended. You can warm a little if it helps with the consistency. Set aside.

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Step 4 – Time’s up! Take your turkey out of the oven and smother in the glaze (not all of it) and pop back in for 10 minutes, uncovered. Repeat the glaze and then another, final, 10 minutes in the oven.

Step 5 – Take the turkey out of the oven, brush over any remaining glaze and leave to rest for 20-30mins.

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If you want to double up the ingredients for the glaze, you can do so and use as a little sauce, just simmer gently to cook off the garlic and ginger.

Merry Christmas!

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