Cool, contemporary fashion from SwearHouse

Cool, contemporary fashion from SwearHouse via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

The company is formed of two extremely talented people from The Netherlands, Alice and Bart.

Cool, contemporary fashion from SwearHouse via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I love this rain drop bodysuit, it is beautiful and so contemporary.

Very rarely does a brand come along that suits me, not only in style, but in name too. Though I don’t often swear on the blog, anyone who knows me will know that I have a total potty mouth, so when I saw that there was an awesome clothing brand called SwearHouse, well, I had to share it with you all!

Cool, contemporary fashion from SwearHouse via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Fun and funky fashion made for your children by graphic designers.

Cool, contemporary fashion from SwearHouse via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Alice and Bert were so frustrated when they couldn’t find clothes they like for their first child, so they did what any awesome, talented artist/design couple would do – they made their own clothing range.

Apart from loving the name of the brand, I can’t get enough of their designs. The company is formed of two extremely talented people from The Netherlands, Alice and Bart. They were so frustrated when they couldn’t find clothes they like for their first child, so they did what any awesome, talented artist/design couple would do – they made their own clothing range. It started off as just for them and friends, but it grew and grew and now they are on Toby&Roo (yes, the rhyme was intentional – sorry not sorry!).

Their products are made using almost all Eco-friendly paints/dyes and fabrics, which is always a big plus for me. I just love a design that is simply and artistic. Clothing should be the art we cover our bodies with, and I feel that with SwearHouse, it is.

Harriet x

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  1. Avatar May 19, 2015 / 10:22 pm

    Hiya, just found your blog through Facebook as were both on mumblr and I’ve just started blogging about fashion, healthy lifestyle and baby things, it would mean a lot if you could check out my blog as we both live in Harrogate, thanks and love your posts!:) xxx

    • Harriet May 20, 2015 / 9:25 am

      Hi Klaudia,

      Thank you so much – I love your ‘how to rock the office’ post – that jacket is to die for! I’ll add you to my blog list, feel free to grab my button if you want to add any other blogs to your site 🙂 H x

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