Coca-Cola Ham from my Mother

I look forward to this all year and whenever it makes an appearance at special functions!Pin this image on Pinterest

I look forward to this all year and whenever it makes an appearance at special functions!

Mmm, everyone has a treat over Christmas that they love, this is mine. My mother has made this ham for years and has adpated various versions of it to get it just right. The title makes it sound odd but I promise this is a no hassle treat that makes cold cuts for a buffet on Christmas day, or a wonderful brunch with bubble & squeak on boxing day! Yum!

You will need:

  • 2kg gammon or ham
  • 1 onion, peeled and halved
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 litres of coca-cola

For the glaze:

  • handful of cloves
  • 1 heaped tbsp black treacle
  • 2 tsps english mustard powder
  • 2 tbsp demerara sugar

Now, my mum has adapted this recipe because she doesn’t soak the ham/gammon overnight. She has always claimed this is because she knows the meat and the butcher, but if you are worried about salt, soak the meat over night and this will draw out the water, soak again in a fresh batch for the rest of the afternoon and then prepare as usual. I’m never sure if the lack of soaking is hat makes hers so tasty, but its up to you!

You will need a large, deep pan. Pop the ham/gammon in (skin side down) and then add the onion and carrot. Pour over the coke, the meat should be mostly covered if not completely. Depending on the size of your meat (if you are apating the recipe for a larger or smaller cut) then the rule of thumb is 20 minutes per pound of meat, which makes this recipe a cooking time of 2 1/2hrs to boil.

Heat your oven to 240 or gas mark 9.

Lift the ham out into a baking tray, do not throw out your cooking liquid. You can stop now if you want, allow the meat to cool and come back to it at another point, but if you are planning to get it all done in one fell swoop then just let the meat cool enough so you can work with it.

Remove the skin, but please, please leave a thin layer of fat. Score with a sharp knife, making fairly large diamond shapes and stud each with a clove. Spread over the treacle, and then put the mustard powder and sugar over the top of that. Cook in the roasting tin (foil lined will make it easier for you to clean up later!) for approximately 20 minutes until everything is bubbly and beautiful!

Bon Appétit!

Harriet x

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