Chocolate banana rice pudding recipe :: The Ultimate way to use dinner to make pudding!

Chocolate banana rice pudding via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Chocolate banana rice pudding via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Now, I’ll start by saying I am not a fan of rice pudding, and though this (according to Adam and Reuben) was delicious, this isn’t a miracle worker and I’m not a fan of this rice pudding recipe anymore than any other… which is why I made it! In the last few weeks before Christmas I’m trying to lose the few pounds that I have gained recently… to be specific 12lbs. I know. So, I’m trying to shift that weight before I have to be subjected to snap happy family members who want to pull me in front of the camera on Christmas day. Which means on the occasions I do make puddings for the family, I choose things that I know they will love and I will have no desire to sample – not just a hat rack, this girl has some brains.

Anyway, here is the recipe – the kids loved it, we had it after a chilli con carne so I just added an extra cup of rice to the ricer – simple and easy, it used up our leftover rice too and the kids and Adam love it.


  • 200g/ 1 1/4 cups of cooked rice
  • 500ml/ 2 cups milk, preferably whole for creaminess
  • 50g / 1/4 cup dark chocolate broken into pieces
  • 50g / 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 bananas peeled and sliced.

Put the rice in a pan with the milk, bring to the boil and then reduce the heat, stirring occasionally for 20 mins until the whole thing has thickened and is creamy.

Add the chocolate, sugar and half the banana, stir in.

Arrange the remaining banana on top of a good scoop of pudding and serve hot – or leave over night in the fridge, mould into little balls, push a marshmallow into the middle and coat in biscuits. Deep fry and serve and mini arancini bites.

Easy and super effective dessert for the family.

Harriet x

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