
Meal Plan 20/4

Hey! Well last week was LONG. We decided to get back to the whole homeschooling shebang because frankly, the thought of trying to get them (and me) back into some kind of routine after a few weeks off sounded dire.…

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Meal Plan 13/04

Hey all you cool cats and kittens, it’s Harriet here bringing you the newest meal plan. Can confirm Adam is still alive and hasn’t been fed to the tigers. Yet. (If you didn’t get this reference, I worry for our…

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Meal Plan 6/4

Ahh the start of a new week … that will look exactly the same as the previous week because we’re all still in lockdown. Yay! How did you guys manage to get on with meal planning last week? Bit of…

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Why I have a homeschooling schedule

How are we all coping? We’re one week and a few days into the UK lockdown and that means one week into homeschooling whilst trying to work and stay sane… it’s no picnic is it? At the moment I’m trying…

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