Breastfeeding, sleep regression & a moan.

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A couple of weeks ago I was chattering on instagram about how I was hoping to drop Edith’s morning feed. She’s nearly 3 (sob) and I would happily have given up breastfeeding a time ago but made the decision to self wean – it doesn’t harm either of us and it’s a very easy way to get her to sleep at night! I said I was going to “stop breastfeeding in the mornings as it means we’re going back to sleep together until 7/7.30 and I need to be up.” (Or something to that effect) I found that having so many wake ups and dozing from 3/4 in the morning was leaving me sluggish and so tired for the first hour or two of the morning. I wanted to be able to get up at 6.30 and actually have a coffee before the morning rush, maybe write a post or chatter on IG for a few minutes. I wanted to have a slightly better routine and not have 45mins to feed, dress and prepare 3 children (ahem, and myself!) for the day ahead.

Yeah well that lasted exactly one day. She woke up at 5.50am and we got up. We had a sit on the sofa, watched a film and we were fine. Sure I was a bit knackered come 10pm but hey ho, I made the most of it. I had a bit more time… but then the following day she woke at 4am, the only way to get her to go back to sleep? Breastfeeding. Que dozing and dropping in and out of a poor quality sleep in her bed for two hours. By the time my alarm went off I was so knackered that I snoozed it. My cut off point for getting up really is 7.30 so I know (in the back of my mind) that is doable… which means it is done when I’m so tired and trying to claw back those extra hours missed. Not only that, there have been a number of times I’ve just flat slept through the alarm… which is the current case. She’s waking up at 2/3/4am every night and demanding me. Feeding for an hour. AN HOUR. And then wanting to get up and play… so I have to settle her or tell her off and then eventually she goes back to sleep around 5.30 and it’s so hard to find the balance to wake her without her being grouchy all day. I tend to sleep until Adam disturbs or wakes me around 7, and then a fog of tiredness hovers for hours.

Is it so much to ask that I sleep between 12am and 6am without 4 wake ups, 2 tantrums and having to tell her “Edith and the magic wellies” (which I amazingly made up at 4am – I should write that book!) I don’t think I’m asking for a lot?!

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