Book Recommendations for July 2020

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I’ve been on a bit of a book reading blast recently, there is actually very little I like more than to curl up on the sofa with a blanket, my pets around me, a cuppa and a good book. Call me boring but it’s the truth.

My usual “bag” is crime/detective books, if not that then something fantasy. I’m basically one of those people that like literature that provides escapism, takes me to a world I will never experience myself, whether that is a world with murder and mayhem or a world with vampires and crazy cults, I’m not bothered. Just take me away.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some book recommendations – I used to do it ALL the time, I still do mini reviews on my instagram every time I finish a book, but I thought I would pop some book recommendations down here.

The Vanishing Girls (Josie Quinn book 1) by Lisa Regan.

Now this is a cracking series – little bit long winded in parts, but honestly it’s got some fabulous twists and turns and I very rarely find a book where I haven’t worked out who ‘dun it’ by half way through. This one kept me guessing though, and then every so often there is a little surprise thrown in that makes you go “ooh I didn’t see that coming.” I’ve just finished the second book (The Girl with No Name) and whilst I didn’t think it was as good as the first, I’m still very much here for this series and I’ve downloaded the next 3 in the series. I want to know more about Josie’s past and I’m a sucker for a female detective – they invariably hit harder than a male one.

Killing Mind by Angela Marsons

Now, this is book 12 in the Kim Stones series, so if you haven’t read any of them, rolllllll it back and start. Possibly my favourite female detective series, if you’re a DI Helen Grace by MJ Aldridge fan then you will like this. I actually prefer Kim. This was was really good, there was more than one case going on (one part I thought the outcome was a bit obvious) but I loved it all the same.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

I didn’t actually expect to enjoy this one, I think I thought it would be one of those “ok” books, something a bit different, but I actually really enjoyed it! It’s very intense, I had a rough idea of what was going on but I wasn’t 100% sure until a bit later on in the book. I wouldn’t describe it as “knock my socks off, can’t put it down” but it was good. I’m going to read Lucy Foley’s other book The Hunting Party.

The Whisper Man by Alex North

I liked this… but… I couldn’t help but spend 99.9% of my time proper pissed off with the main character. He’s gone through some stuff, I get it, but he is one self indulgent mofo. Pull it together, mate. Anyway, that spoiled it a bit for more, I liked it, I would read more by the author as the storyline was good, it’s just that main man giving me the eye rolls.

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