Boobytube. The natural organic way to help sooth sore breasts.

Booby Tubes via Toby & Roo ::daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

These are such a great way to sooth sore breasts, and not only are they 100% soft organic cotton but the ingredients inside are natural and designed to promote breastfeeding. Perfect!

My boobs hurt. A lot. Sorry for the over sharing but it’s true. Any of you who are pregnant or have just had babies will know exactly what I am taking about. Ouch.

Though these booby tubes (clever name right?) are designed to be used after baby as a soother for breastfeeding mamas with boobs that are sore and tender, these are also great during pregnancy. What I love about booby tube is that they are filled with flax seed (100% natural way to encourage breast milk) and they are ok to microwave heat or freeze depending on what your needs are. I client asked me last week how she could stop her nipples chaffing as she was only 32 weeks pregnant and already in so much discomfort. This is one of the answers!

100% organic cotton and all natural, what more could your sore boobs want?

You can find them on the UK Earth Mama Angel Baby website or on their USA version here.

Harriet x

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