Beautiful Autumn fashion trends from JOY the Store

Beautiful Autumn fashion trends from JOY the Store via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Beautiful Autumn fashion trends from JOY the Store via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

One of the best things for me about Autumn is the colour, I think it is by far the prettiest season in our area, mainly because we have so many forest and woodland areas. Don’t get me wrong, the other seasons have a lot going for them and I feel sad to see the back of Summer when I can watch the kids running around butt naked in the garden, having a blast, but Autumn has a special place in my heart.

It’s not just the colour of nature that I love either, but for some reason I have a real thing for Autumnal clothing too, thick jumpers, brushed cotton and cord all in those beautiful Autumn fashion colours – burnt oranges, beautiful reds, racing green, navy and taupe. I just adore it, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m quite pale but olive-y or because I’m brunette, but I feel like those colours really suit me and I don’t look quite as washed out on the school run as I do in Spring when I’m trying to wear lighter colours. Last week I bought Edith a few Autumn/Winter pieces for her wardrobe (and for Christmas too!!) and I noticed we both looked like we indulged in a few of the best Autumn fashion trends when we got dressed!

Beautiful Autumn fashion trends from JOY the Store via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Edith and I getting our Autumn on!

Beautiful Autumn fashion trends from JOY the Store via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

A few weeks ago JOY the store got in touch to ask me if I would like to review a piece from their new clothing line, which I was delighted because I have an obsession with their beautiful dresses and skirts, not to mention those chunky knits and flared trousers. I chose to review this stunning orange dress because there is absolutely nothing like it in my wardrobe and I love the vintage style. The dress has that glorious crepe feel, so it’s easy to layer up on a morning and then light and easy to wear on those hotter afternoons that we seem to be getting at the moment.

I’ve added a few pictures of my beautiful autumn dress, but I don’t think I do it justice – in fact I’m pretty sure I’ve just figured out why I’m not a fashion model or blogger! The best thing about the JOY store is that they have a mid season sale on at the moment that you really can’t miss out on – everything is up to 50% off! This dress is even part of this sale, so you can complete your Autumn wardrobe before the bad weather really kicks in.

Harriet x

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar November 16, 2016 / 5:38 am

    Great ideas for looking best in autumn.The collection of images is awesome.Thank you so much for posting,keep it up man!

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