Beating the post school Hunger Games with GoGo SqueeZ

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I know I harp on about it, but ladies and gentlemen, can we once more discuss the appetite issues of school aged children? It is like a bottomless pit is created in the hour after the school run and I can’t cope with the level of “mummy I’m hungry” between 3.30 and 5pm – though it dissipates at exactly 5pm when dinner is served. Naturally.

 Snacks. All the snacks. I’ve never known an Aldi food shop come to over £100 but lately, that’s the bottom line because of snacks. Sausage rolls, fruit, fruit roll ups, fruit laces, more fruit, yoghurts, pork pies, cheese nibbles, salami (looking at you Tobes) and everything in between. The issue with all of these “options” is that they are SO messy in the car or they require a spoon! Have you ever found a banana peel in the boot of your car, tucked into one of the compartments? I have. Reuben hadn’t eaten banana in over a week… all the bork.

 So what to do?

 I give you GoGo SqueeZ.

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 These are our newest snack staple (no one wants to eat the same ones every single day do they?) and they work so well for the whole family. I’ve tried squeezy pouches before and whilst the boys might adore them, Edith tends to turn her snout up like I’ve offered her dog food. What I love the most about GoGo SqueeZ is that it comes in both the GoGo SqueeZ yoghurt form and the GoGo SqueeZ fruit form, so Edith is treated to a yogurt snack and the boys can choose between the two. Reuben’s favourite is naturally the mango – a flavour that I don’t think crops up terribly often in these fruit pouches. One pack is full of the good stuff (so a LOT better than a crumby – literally – sausage roll) and none of the nasty stuff – which means no extra hidden flavours or stuff, but for me means no hidden peels or cores 2 weeks later, rotting in my boot.

 The boys don’t take packed lunches, school dinners are still free for them both and quite frankly, I prefer them having a hot meal in the day time if I know they will actually eat it. Edith, on the other hand, has to take a packed lunch to school twice a week when she does full days and I have started slipping one of these pouches in. Banana flavour yoghurt is now GoGo minion yoggy and strawberry is … just strawberry. She loves both, and I love the fact that I’m not trying and struggling to shut the lid on her lunch box because of an awkward shaped yoghurt pot, not to mention not having to chuck a spoon in to wonder whether it will return or be replaced with a preschool imposter or just go MIA.

 On top of the post school hunger games, the packed lunch for one picky eater and the banana-avoidance that resides in the heart of me, I really don’t think I can beat the small pouches of non-leaky and well received nutrition in my bag for big days out. Reuben takes after me and will announce that he is hungry 2-4 seconds after we arrive at a location for a family day out. I’ve never been a big fan of taking packed lunches because we end up with So. Much. Stuff it doesn’t bare thinking about, but I do take snacks and I often find I’m having to empty out my handbag to rid it of snack crumbs, or worse still, trying not to lose my shit when I discover something (always smelling and fester-ready like fruit) has imploded in my bag. Not the case with GoGo SqueeZ.

 For the WIN!

You can find GoGo SqueeZ at Tesco! #ad

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