Baths togethers

My lovely boys in their bathtub... they look like they are plotting right?Pin this image on Pinterest

My lovely boys in their bathtub… they look like they are plotting right?

Do you have baths with your little one/s? Do they have baths together?

I have always bathed my boys together. I just find it so much easier and I love watching them (and oh my gosh, you have to watch them, as Reuben did one day decide to treat Toby to a spot of water boarding for taking a toy!) it is in fact one of my favourite parts of the day. Just the way that they play together and learn together. Once we get over the usual ‘sharing’ issues, they pass toys between themselves and Reuben will even wash (dunk) Toby from time to time. Its so sweet!

I also think it is a great way for Mum’s who have just gone form being a Mama of one to a Mama of two or more, to get around that part of the day that is quite often dreaded. I think its so much easier, especially when you are new to it all, and the amount of friends who ask me, ‘What did you do?’ especially as my husband always worked evenings.

Get your toddler in the bath, go through the rules, for a long time we had ‘Mummy baths Toby, you can wipe his tummy, but thats it’ and then bath bubba while they watch, allowing them to help with little bits, like wiping the tummy. I would then have the towel, and a set of clothes ready for Toby, and get it all done in the bathroom while Roo had a play. It made life so much easier! This was how I used to cope on my own with the bath time hour!


P.s – How did you cope? What do you do at bath time? I’d love to know!

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