Baby bloomers from Bonnet à Pompon. Que cuteness over load.

Baby bloomers from Bonnet à Pompon via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I have to apologise for the twitching ovaries that this picture causes… really could these been any more adorable if they tried? No I don’t think so either!

Baby bloomers from Bonnet à Pompon via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Spanish brand Bonnet à Pompon are super stylish and their clothes are made using the best fabrics.

Tis the season to be HOT! It’s finally summer and over here in the UK we are getting a heatwave *happy dance time*. It’s interspersed with rain showers, but we can let that go for now.

One thing that really seems to be flying off the shelves (other than sun cream) are the most beautiful little dresses for babies and toddlers… the problem is most dresses now don’t come with the adorable bloomers of old and they are so sweet now to mention practical. Let’s be honest, little girls are no different to little boys they play the same, roll around and their dresses ride up, so little bloomers are a great way to get them used to the concept of underwear – even at a young age – and to cover up the nappy!

These baby bloomers from Bonnet à Pompon are BEYOND adorable. They are the cutest thing to come along since those pictures of Orlando Bloom baby carrying (you know which ones I mean). Bonnet à Pompon are a wonderful Spanish brand who are renowned for their sleek and stylish clothes for kids that are sophisticated and cute!

You can find them over at the lovely Lace & Ribbons boutique, which I think is a haven for summer steals and super cute buys.

Harriet x

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