I love these tunnels and tents – they are perfect for all year round as during summer they can head into the garden, but in winter they make the perfect reading nook.
Wooden toys and furniture are definitely my favourite – they are so much more durable and truly timeless.
Pretty sure these rocking chairs are my favourite thing from the room accessories part of the shop – so cool, the perfect little accessory for a playroom – who wouldn’t want to rock their dolly to sleep in this?!
Let’s be real here, the majority of the world spend their time lusting after the designs that come out of Sweden and it’s scandinavian neighbours – they are just so darn stylish! Hello, Ikea!
Kids Concept UK is just one of those Swedish brands. The new children’s boutique they have opened is super exciting for exactly that reason, plus they offer everything from funky kids accessories and stylish, modern baby bedding to scandinavian designed toys and gifts for children ages 0 – 7 yrs.
Something that has really caught my eye is their lovely play tents and tunnels, probably because as the weather is getting nicer the boys have been spending a lot of time playing out in their tents which are all looking a bit tatty. I also love the fact that all of their products have a ‘theme’ such as ‘pumpkin’ (who is my favourite) so your children can fall in love with something other than the usual televised characters that often have extremely gaudy accessories.
Kids Concept UK also has a great range of room accessories – just look at this sweet rocking chair! How cute would that be in a child’s room or play room?
Harriet x